UPDATE: Lucifer exalted at the 2016 Grammy’s
The 666 Surveillance System
Revelation 13:16-18 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666).
Introduction (Please read this if it is your first time with this section. It continues to a full teaching article.)
There is not a more spine-chilling chapter in the entire Bible than Revelation chapter 13. This chapter describes the rise to power of a demoniacally inspired world dictator, similar in nature to Adolph Hitler. He is called “the Beast”, but better known as the Anti-Christ. He uses a world financial system to control the people, as no one can buy or sell unless they are linked by a mark with the number 666 to this system. Thus this mark in the body is known as the “Mark of the Beast.” (Continued see: The 666 Surveillance System)
Although the Bible limits the “Mark” to economics, the current rapid advancement of technology shows that it is going beyond economics to a total world-wide surveillance system; thus, the “666 Surveillance System.” The Bible states that once a person receives the 666 Mark, he is locked into it and cannot escape. This person is eternally doomed. I believe that part of this system is mind-control. Once a person joins, the mind is seared and cannot escape; thus, the perfect “man/mouse trap”.
This blog keeps the reader on the cutting edge technology creating the conditions for fulfilling the “666 Surveillance System”. I have identified certain technologies that are needed to bring this system to pass. These technological advancements are reported under headings, so the reader is kept on the cutting edge of developments and can see where it is all heading. These headings include: Cashless Society, The Mind, E-Tattoos/Mark of the Beast, Total Surveillance, and High Technology.
This blog is the complement to the “Image of the Beast“ which focuses on man’s quest to transform creation, and to become “as gods” by “directing human evolution” using transhumanism.
Remember, that this system is in place immediately prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. It really does appear that His coming is not that far off. Are you ready to meet Him?
The following information is critically important for our youth as their minds are under assault by satanic music and imagery.
We just did a post about the ritual aspects of awards ceremonies and sporting events, “Flood of Pagan Occult Ritual for the Masses: Sporting Events and Awards Shows” and a related post on the Image of the Beast blog “Transgenderism, Androgyny and Occult Godhood” about the cultural/spiritual war over transgenderism and androgyny.
This is an update for both of those blog posts and the reason for covering the topic again so soon is the unveiling of Intel’s new technology at this year’s Grammy Awards, something which was massively hyped through commercials and articles before the show, in order to garner the largest audience possible. The three videos below are there because they cover different aspects of this topic. The first deals with the Grammy performance and the background for it; the second covers the rise of the Antichrist and Lady Gaga’s representation of Lucifer rising; the final one deals with the Intel tech aspects of merging the virtual with the physical.
At the 2016 Grammy Awards, Lady Gaga’s performance was billed as a tribute to the late David Bowie, one of the preeminent rock musicians who popularized both the occult and androgyny. She did a medley of his songs culminating with “Heroes,” when she appeared as the androgynous counterpart to Bowie. As an aside, it should be noted that whatever technological marvels were unveiled, the musical quality definitely took a backseat. It was in fact, musically awful, and actually was as much a tribute to Bowie’s magick and Luciferian promotion of Aleister Crowley, as to his music. The rise of Luciferianism/occultism in Western culture can be directly attributed to Crowley and his writings.
Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was an English occultist who founded the “religion” of Thelema, and practiced sex magick and ritual sacrifice. He called himself, “The Great Beast” and was described by the press as “the wickedest man in the world.” According to Wikipedia, “Crowley claimed to have been contacted by a supernatural entity named Aiwass, who provided him with The Book of the Law, a sacred text that served as the basis for Thelema. Announcing the start of the Æon of Horus, The Book declared that its followers should adhere to the code of “Do what thou wilt” and seek to align themselves with their Will through the practice of magick.”
Crowley was named 73rd in a list of the 100 most influential Britons of all time. He was a driving force behind what became known as the sex, drugs and rock n’ roll culture of the 1960’s, even though he had been dead for two decades! He advocated the use of music, drugs and sex in ritual form to gain spiritual insight and power. He was known, followed and celebrated by much of the music industry beginning in the 1960’s and also influenced people such as L. Ron Hubbard and Jack Parsons, who founded the Church of Scientology. In the years since the 60’s, his following has grown, and contemporary artists such as Jay Z can be seen wearing clothes with Crowley dictates emblazoned on them.
Crowley had a great influence on Bowie and many of his songs referred to Crowley or occultism. For instance, Quicksand, begins, “I’m closer to the Golden Dawn, Immersed in Crowley’s uniform of imagery…Don’t believe in yourself Don’t deceive with belief Knowledge comes with death’s release.” The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was an occult order into which Crowley was inducted, and it was one of the largest influences on occultism in the 20th century. Bowie was one of Crowley’s biggest proponents and openly spoke in interviews about his bisexuality (like Crowley), something so scandalous at the time that he attracted everyone drawn by rebellion to his side, and his interest in magick also appealed to young fans. Bowie went beyond Crowley and brought the concept of androgyny into modern culture through his stage incarnation of Ziggy Stardust and made it “cool” in the popular imagination.
Effects of Bowie’s Luciferianism
These performances make very apparent that at heart, this is a spiritual war being waged, and what we’re seeing is indoctrination on a mass scale. The object is to move the population toward acceptance of the Antichrist and the 666 Beast/Surveillance System, by promoting pagan religion (Luciferianism) to the young. They’re succeeding on an incredible scale, with millions being won over and abandoning any moral compass or faith in Christian teachings. The use of hyper-sexuality, witchcraft, dramatic glitzy staging, together with what amounts to almost worship of these entertainment idols is rapidly distorting minds and undermining the culture!
2 Corinthians 11:14, 15 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
As the Scripture prophesied, it’s leading record numbers away from Christ and toward the god of this world, Satan. What’s at stake are the souls of millions who are being deceived into accepting the false messiah about to arise, whom they believe will lead them into a new, man-made Eden. It’s nothing but deception. That’s why we’ve been putting such a focus on all of this in the past few weeks, because it’s becoming overt and admired, especially by the young. There’s little time left to wake up, and to reach those around you who may be buying into this false agenda.
This is dangerous because it isn’t mere “entertainment.” This music and these performances become embedded, often unconsciously, and can lead to destruction. I personally (Georgann Ryan, author of this piece) can testify that when young, I loved Bowie – bought his albums and saw him in concert. Forty Christian years later, I still can recall all of the words to his songs to sing along, and they still have an emotional draw. Like it or not, it is internalized and influences those who follow this “entertainment.” It then takes an active struggle to overcome, even after one becomes aware of the dark purpose behind it.
2 Timothy 3:1-8 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
This year’s performance went beyond even the normal occult rituals, as Intel unveiled its new technology which seemed to unite the physical Lady Gaga with the “illuminated” essence of David Bowie. It’s moving us farther into acceptance of virtual reality and the merger of the technological with the human. What we’re witnessing is a coming together of the 666 Beast System and the Image of the Beast, as it is being unveiled step-by-step before our eyes. Interesting also is the fact that Intel issued press releases before January 5th about the innovative and extraordinary performance they were creating with Lady Gaga, yet David Bowie didn’t die until January 10th. Seems kind of prescient, doesn’t it? But there’s another explanation, addressed in the first excellent video below, done by White Rabbit. We’d strongly urge you to watch this video, which ties together the concepts discussed here.
All of this is leading to a breakdown of any Christian values and to a world clamoring for the controlled, pagan system of the Beast. The only safety from it is by renewing your mind in Christ, so that you can discern the true from the false because as the Bible notes, the hallmark of these last days is deception. Be so rooted and grounded in Him that you’ll stand as a beacon for Jesus, and lead others away from the abyss into which they’re heading. However powerful all of this may seem, it has nothing compared to the real power of the true God, through Jesus Christ, and that power is available to us as Christians if we’ll walk in His ways.
Ephesians 3:16-21 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
Media/ Prophecy
The Occult Universe of David Bowie and the Meaning of “Blackstar”
“In the wake of David Bowie’s death, his last album, “Blackstar”, is his swan song, an enigmatic conclusion to a career punctuated by otherworldly alter-egos and esoteric symbolism. We’ll look at the meaning of “Blackstar” in the context of David Bowie’s career.
Very few artists can boast the longevity of David Bowie in the music industry, as his career spanned over five decades and produced 28 albums. Throughout the decades, Bowie migrated from one musical genre to another, and even from one persona to another, but a constant remained: He was surrounded by an otherworldly aura.
Through his work, Bowie turned himself into a musical ‘ascended master’, a Gnostic Christ-like figure who achieved a high level of illumination and who sought to communicate a cryptic message to humanity. While many of Bowie’s eccentricities could be attributed to drugs and rock and roll, one cannot paint a complete picture of this artist without mentioning his most enduring obsession: Western occultism…
His final album, Blackstar is a direct continuation of the “Bowie mythos”. Meticulously planned to turn his death into a work of art, the imagery of Blackstar ties together several iconic moments of Bowie’s career into one final narrative, one that confirms the extreme importance of occultism in his work.
Lazarus, Bowie’s final parting gift, conveys one important message: Bowie was a vessel to something greater, something deeper, something darker, and something more profound than most ever realized. Claiming “I am the Great I Am”, this Being gave Bowie the inspiration to become an immortal icon and lead his fans to rally behind the declaration that “Bowie is God”.
Lady Gaga – 2016 ILLUMINATI Grammy Tribute to David Bowie – EXPOSED!!! This video by White Rabbit is the best analysis of the 2016 Grammy ceremony in terms of going into the background of the rituals and beliefs, as well as tying together past subjects we’ve covered in this blog, such as mind control. It also references subjects discussed in our recent Image of the Beast post on androgyny. We’d urge everyone to watch, for a complete understanding of what just occurred during this year’s Grammy’s. It’s especially important if you like these awards programs or have family members who do.
Crowley’s Children This article provides a good overview of Crowley and his influence on the pop culture of the 1960’s and beyond, especially the music industry. It’s worth reading if you have any interest in the occult transformation of society that has taken place.
“His influence is huge. It turns out all those nutty Christian evangelists who warned that rock and roll is demonic were right. The wafer of pop music is soaked in the occult, particularly in Aleister Crowley’s highly egotistical version of it…
So how did this idiot become such a huge influence on 1960s culture? Partly, because his ideas were embraced as part of the 60s counter-cultural philosophy of what Robert Bellah called ‘expressive individualism’, or what Gary Lachman calls ‘liberationism’.
Lachman says: ‘It’s the idea of breaking the rules, getting rid of repression and going beyond all convention. Liberationism goes back through George Bataille, Nietzsche and his idea of the Dionysiac, all the way to the Marquis de Sade. And Crowley was a poster-boy for liberationist philosophy. It makes perfect sense that he would be picked up by rock and roll and later forms of pop music, because in many ways it’s tailor-made to the adolescent sensibility. Think of Jim Morrison’s ‘we want the world and we want it now’, or Iggy Pop: ‘I need more than I’ve ever done before.’ When you’re young you want to throw away all constraints on you. Crowley did that his whole life. His whole thing was excess in all directions.’
Liberationists want to liberate themselves from any social hang-ups, which means liberating themselves from traditional morality and even from reason itself. ‘Turn off your mind and float downstream’, as Timothy Leary said and John Lennon later quoted. Leary and other key figures in the 60s saw in Crowley a genius explorer of altered states of consciousness accessed through drugs, music, poetry and sex – just as they were trying to do. His Rite of Eleusis was a blueprint for the acid tests of the 1960s, and the raves of today – which also aim to bypass rational thought and get the audience into trances.
Lachman says: ‘Magic and the music industry make use of much of the same materials – imagery, special effects (light shows), illusion, trance – and both reach down below the conscious mind to the deeper, older, more visceral levels of ourselves…Above all, Crowley appealed to the pop-star’s desire to become a star, a god, an Illuminatus, one of the superhuman elite – while weak humanity bows down and worships them. You see this Crowley-ite idea in Bowie (see the lyrics for Oh You Pretty Things for example).”
Lady Gaga
So Lady Gaga IS set to play LUCIFER at Grammys 2016 This video was made a week before the actual Grammy Awards but it contains some good information about what was presumed to happen, based on reports concerning the (then) upcoming performance. Once again, it’s done by R$E in London.
Is Lady Gaga planning to summon the antichrist at the 2016 Grammys? Note that this is a secular magazine which ran the article, lest you are tempted to dismiss all of this as over the top, in terms of spiritual elements. There no longer is anything subtle or hidden in the 666 Beast System agenda that the masses are being indoctrinated into. Despite the fact that this is all occult, and that word originally meant “hidden,” it’s anything but for those who are willing to see it in spiritual terms.
“This year at the Grammys will be a somber one without David Bowie. According to The New York Times, Lady Gaga is going to honor him with a tribute performance. “Numerous other artists wanted to participate,” said Grammys producer Ken Ehrlich, but he settled on Gaga.
Ehrlich tells The Times that Gaga’s performance will be “a true homage to who David was, particularly musically, but not ignoring his influence on fashion and pop culture in a broader way.” It’ll likely last “six or seven” minutes and span three to four Bowie songs. Celebrity gossip site Oh No They Didn’t! has the rumor that one of these covers include Bowie’s “Lucifer.”
Lady Gaga has shared how Bowie shaped her as an artist. “When I fell in love with David Bowie, when I was living on the Lower East Side. I always felt that his glamour was something he was using to express a message to people that was very healing for their souls.”
LADY GAGA 2016 58TH GRAMMY PERFORMANCE HAUS OF GAGA X INTEL MATRIX This video by Puritan Pictures provides an excellent analysis of the role of Intel in Lady Gaga’s Grammy performance, as it discusses the seamless integration of technology with her “being” – the Image of the Beast being born before us. See also a follow-up video by Puritan Pictures that goes into more depth concerning the occult nature of these programs: LADY GAGA ILLUMINATI 58TH GRAMMY AWARD DAVID BOWIE TRIBUTE RITUAL 2016
Although all of this seems dark and like something to shun, that doesn’t mean we should condemn those caught within it. God has power beyond anything that Lucifer can summon, and there always is the possibility of those within this system breaking free. A good example is John Lennon, who often has been condemned by the faithful as an agent of evil within this agenda. Yet there is evidence that John Lennon came to Christ before he died, and that he is with the Lord today. Christianity Today reported that he contacted Oral Roberts and was led to Christ. Larry Norman verified that Lennon’s conversion was real, and discussed this at a concert before his own death. This is recorded in a video on YouTube. We never should cease praying for these people because we can’t know the end God has in mind for them.
God has warned in the Bible where this world system is heading. The 666 Surveillance System is now on the fast track. There is no stopping it. Are you going to be with Jesus Christ and eternal life, or are you going to take the “666 Mark” and be eternally damned? The stakes could not be higher: eternal life or eternal damnation. Now is the time to repent of sin and trust Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Make sure that you use The 666 Surveillance System brochure as it is a great witnessing tool. I also offer the Prophecy Packet which includes that 666 brochure. If you would like a copy, please email Dave at: [email protected] and ask for the packet along with giving your name and mailing address. This brochure is now available in Spanish. Now is the time to use prophetic information to share the gospel.
The following verses state what the Bible says happens to all who reject salvation through Jesus Christ, and receive the “Mark of the Beast”:
Revelation 14:9-11 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
The coming Antichrist will rule the New World order using witchcraft and sorcery. During the Great Tribulation, the population will be divided between the marked and demonized people and the others who are Christ-led and saintly.
Thanks for sharing my article, and for helping to get the word out. I hope you’ll sign up for regular updates for the 666 blog and for the Image of the Beast blog, both of which I write for John McTernan. Each has different, but related subject matter. They both can be accessed at http://www.usaprophecy.com May God richly bless you!