Total Surveillance: The 666 System is Closing In On Us

The 666 Surveillance System
Revelation 13:16-18 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666).
Introduction (Please read this if it is your first time with this section. It continues to a full teaching article.)
There is not a more spine-chilling chapter in the entire Bible than Revelation chapter 13. This chapter describes the rise to power of a demoniacally inspired world dictator, similar in nature to Adolph Hitler. He is called “the Beast”, but better known as the Anti-Christ. He uses a world financial system to control the people, as no one can buy or sell unless they are linked by a mark with the number 666 to this system. Thus this mark in the body is known as the “Mark of the Beast.” (Continued see: The 666 Surveillance System)
Although the Bible limits the “Mark” to economics, the current rapid advancement of technology shows that it is going beyond economics to a total world-wide surveillance system; thus, the “666 Surveillance System.” The Bible states that once a person receives the 666 Mark, he is locked into it and cannot escape. This person is eternally doomed. I believe that part of this system is mind-control. Once a person joins, the mind is seared and cannot escape; thus, the perfect “man/mouse trap”.
This blog keeps the reader on the cutting edge technology creating the conditions for fulfilling the “666 Surveillance System”. I have identified certain technologies that are needed to bring this system to pass. These technological advancements are reported under headings, so the reader is kept on the cutting edge of developments and can see where it is all heading. These headings include: Cashless Society, The Mind, E-Tattoos/Mark of the Beast, Total Surveillance, and High Technology.
This blog is the complement to the “Image of the Beast“ which focuses on man’s quest to transform creation, and to become “as gods” by “directing human evolution” using transhumanism.
Remember, that this system is in place immediately prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. It really does appear that His coming is not that far off. Are you ready to meet Him?
Surveillance has been ubiquitous enough in recent years, but now it’s moving onto a whole new level, with billboards, appliances, public transportation and even kids’ toys watching and recording our every word and move. We are becoming enmeshed in a real net, a 666 net of surveillance. It is indeed the perfect man/mousetrap. Every person ultimately will have each move and every word they utter recorded and tracked.
Remember those movies from the 70’s and early 80’s that showed then-current beliefs about the Tribulation? In particular I recall “Years of the Beast.” People were hiding in small groups in farm houses, then in the woods, and the security consisted of a local sheriff and his deputy. The Tribulation seemed survivable from that vantage point. It may have looked a bit uncomfortable, but it wasn’t much rougher than living off the grid. For those who’d like a trip down nostalgia lane, we’ve embedded the film below.
That all seems so quaint and simplistic now. In reality, there will be no surviving apart from the Beast system because dissenters will be virtually unable to hide or survive. Our recent post, “The Perfect Man/Mousetrap Is Set” which featured an article and trailer for the film “Erasing David,” showed the vast state of this surveillance apparatus in 2010. And that was nothing compared to how far we’ve come in just a few short years. Soon there will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide – even for those in the deep woods and hills.
In its more obvious forms, this technology is being sold to the general population under the auspices of convenience or protection. Yet other means being used to spy on us are hidden, for the most part. But is it convenient to have a rapacious government aware of everything you do? In reality, it isn’t for the sake of convenience or a more progressive society. This is about control. The net is closing more tightly around us all each day. A noose is gently but continually being tightened around people’s necks.
That’s why we are so insistent that anyone not right with Christ take the steps NOW to get their lives and souls in order before God. There is no escape from what’s coming, except through Jesus and the Blessed Hope that at some point He will mark, protect and remove those of His own who are walking closely with Him. What’s ahead isn’t a party – it will be hell on earth, with no escape. It’s already closing in.
Total Surveillance
RFID — IN OUR STORES, IN OUR ANIMALS, AND NOW IN OUR EMPLOYEES, NEXT IN OUR KIDS AND OLD PEOPLE — AND THEN??? How about adding this in the right hand or forehead of people?
“The RFID tagging of these items is quite shocking from a consumer privacy standpoint, since the RFID industry has been telling lawmakers and the press that they are interested in only “supply side” inventory tracking on crates and pallets. They have claimed that item-level tagging of consumer goods is not feasible for the near term, thus there is no need to worry about its consumer privacy implications.
Over 40 consumer groups (including CASPIAN) came out against item-level RFID tagging of consumer goods in a position statement issued last November. Since that time, the RFID industry has carefully kept any item-level tagging far from public view. The fact that vendors were openly promoting item-level tagging among themselves at this “private conference” is huge news — news that I am sure they would prefer not be discovered by the public.
The RFID industry’s desire to keep these images hidden underscores the dangers the public faces from this powerful and insidious surveillance technology and the companies that would deploy it in secrecy.
Retail giant Walmart has said a US law enforcing privacy rules for RFID is not needed because companies experimenting with the technology are committed to protecting privacy.
Wal-Mart Stores continue to move forward with plans for case- and pallet-level tagging of products with RFID chips. Privacy advocates said that legislation is needed to protect consumers from potential uses of RFID…RFID could allow corporations and governments to track people’s movements and purchases, they said.
A United Nations-affiliated group, the International Civil Aviation Organization, is already developing global standards for passports that include RFID chips, with the group looking for a chip that could be read up to a metre away, said Barry Steinhardt, director of the Technology and Liberty Program for the American Civil Liberties Union.
In the hands of a dictatorial government, RFID-chipped passports or other identification could be used to track visitors to the country or identify people attending a political rally, Steinhardt said. Such uses could create “a whole new surveillance regime”, Steinhardt added.”
Venezuela collapses into food police state; biometric scanning into government database now required to purchase food See how people are being herded into a 666 type control system!
“It was nicknamed the “Fingerprints for Food” program, but it represented a dire new twist in the ongoing struggle for the socialist Venezuelan government to provide basic nourishment and products for its citizens.
As reported by the Miami Herald in May 2014, President Nicolas Maduro ordered the implementation of biometrics to allow the government to track what customers of state-owned grocery stores were purchasing and, perhaps as importantly, how much.
Maduro, the paper reported, said that the measure was necessary to prevent hoarding, and to help keep price-controlled food from being resold at a profit. Even then, food was increasingly in short supply, and that was before global oil prices collapsed due to a glut; Venezuela receives 95 percent of its revenues from oil.
In order to convince hungry Venezuelans to voluntarily register for the program, Food Minister Felix Osorio promised that anyone who signed up and give the government their fingerprints, would be eligible for discounts and prizes.
The scheme was not made mandatory when it was first implemented, but critics warned that it would become just another way for the state to keep tabs on its people, and could even serve as a precursor to rationing.”
Intel chief: ‘We might use smart-home devices to spy on you’ All these smart devices are creating an ubiquitous spying system.
“The nation’s top intelligence officer admitted Tuesday that the government may use information transmitted to the Internet from your washing machine, your thermostat, your television, your refrigerator or your favorite video game against you. Almost every home appliance and electronic gadget sold today is outfitted with a computer chip, constantly feeding information about their owners back to utilities, manufacturers and other data networks.
James Clapper, director of national intelligence, in his annual assessment of threats given before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Tuesday, said the government considers this information fair game against people it suspects of terrorism or other crimes.
The so-called “Internet of things” is providing a bevy of personal information about Americans, many of whom are completely unaware of the dragnet they are tied into. Smart meters, for instance, measure, in real time, a homeowner’s electricity usage, what appliance or device the usage is coming from, and feed that information to the local utility provider. Many televisions are capable of picking up sound and motion through microphones and motion sensors. Laptop computers have built-in cameras – perfect for spying.
As the Guardian reported, Clapper made clear that the many devices increasingly connected to the Internet are providing ample opportunity for intelligence agencies to spy on targets, and possibly the masses. “In the future, intelligence services might use the [Internet of things] for identification, surveillance, monitoring, location tracking, and targeting for recruitment, or to gain access to networks or user credentials,” Clapper told the Senate panel.”
Devices on public buses in Maryland are listening to private conversations This public spying is expanding all over the nation.
“The Maryland Senate on Tuesday delayed action on a bill that would clamp down on when public buses and trains can record the private conversations of their passengers.
Sen. Robert A. Zirkin (D-Baltimore County), chair of the Senate Judicial Proceedings, which unanimously voted for the measure to move to the Senate floor, said he wanted the committee to address an amendment offered by some of those who are concerned about costs associated with the bill.
The bill is likely to be considered by the Senate on Wednesday, he said.
“What [the Maryland Transit Administration] is doing is a mass surveillance,” Zirkin said.
“I find it outrageous,” he said. “I don’t want to overstate it, but this is the issue of our generation. As technology advances, it becomes easier and easier to encroach on people’s civil liberties.”
While Zirkin and other proponents argue that the technology, which has been in use since 2012, is an infringement on civil liberties, the bill’s opponents say the recordings are a necessary tool for homeland security.”
Billboards can track your location, and privacy advocates hate it
“The next time you see a billboard on the side of the road, it may also be scanning you.
A geolocation-tracking feat
ure on billboards owned by Clear Channel Outdoor gives the company new ways to target advertising and measure its effectiveness. The service has caught the eye of privacy advocates, who worry that the so-called Radar tracker will be able to collect massive amounts of information from smartphones in cars driving past.
Radar will collect mobile data from three Clear Channel partners, including AT&T. “When you pull all of that together, you have lots of granular information” about a person…There are serious privacy issues here.”
But Clear Channel Outdoor receives aggregated and anonymous data from its partners, not personal information, said Jason King, vice president of corporate communications at the company. The company launched the service in 11 markets earlier this week.
“The billboards do not have eyes, nor do they have any technology or cameras to see you,” he said by email. “There is absolutely no exchange of consumer personal information among Clear Channel Outdoor, its advertisers or the third party data providers. The consumer data lives with the data providers.”
But the company could use aggregated data to build detailed profiles of individual smartphone users, Chester said. Using the data from its partners, the billboard company can build a “real complex picture of an individual,” Chester said. The service is one part of “an increasingly personal commercial surveillance system that tracks you on the street.”
See That Billboard? It May See You, Too
“Pass a billboard while driving in the next few months, and there is a good chance the company that owns it will know you were there and what you did afterward.
Clear Channel Outdoor Americas, which has tens of thousands of billboards across the United States, will announce on Monday that it has partnered with several companies, including AT&T, to track people’s travel patterns and behaviors through their mobile phones.
By aggregating the trove of data from these companies, Clear Channel Outdoor hopes to provide advertisers with detailed information about the people who pass its billboards to help them plan more effective, targeted campaigns. With the data and analytics, Clear Channel Outdoor could determine the average age and gender of the people who are seeing a particular billboard in, say, Boston at a certain time and whether they subsequently visit a store.
[The companies partnering] all insist that they protect the privacy of consumers. All data is anonymous and aggregated, they say, meaning individual consumers cannot be identified.
Still, Mr. Stevens acknowledged that the company’s new offering “does sound a bit creepy.”
Crime Prediction Technology Coming To A City Near You
“What better way could there be to deal with crime than to stop it from happening in the first place? It sounds like an impossible, delusional fantasy when it comes to our crime-ridden planet. It turns out however that this prospect is not so far removed from reality, after all. Systems are now being designed that can, to a large extent, predict crime and criminal attacks before they actually take place.
A recent CBS New York report quoted George Spadoro, former mayor of Edison, New Jersey in which he said, “This is the next level… When you have tight budgets, you need to be able to provide an increased level of protection for your citizens with less manpower.”
An Hitachi system co-created by Mark Jules is at the heart of the predictive crime technology under review. The new visualization system gathers massive amounts of information from a wide range of unconnected sources. These sources include social media, transit maps, weather reports, crime statistics, camera feeds and more. It then interfaces all of those sources on one pane of glass.
Concerns remain, however. What if Hitachi’s Visualization Predictive Crime Analytics makes mistakes and guesses wrong? Could this lead to a new kind of biased profiling of innocents as potential criminals?
Lipscomb claims it would be the opposite, at least better than New York City’s controversial stop-and-frisk practice, in which police can search anyone in a targeted neighborhood. “We’re trying to provide tools for public safety so that [law enforcement is] armed with more information on who’s more likely to commit a crime,” says Lipscomb.”
Fancy a black eye? This tremendous explosion of people getting tattoos is preparing the masses to receive the mark of the Beast for the 666 Surveillance System.
“Some bioethicists have concerns about cosmetic, or aesthetic, surgery because patients are being pressured to conform to stereotypes of beauty. But what if they are conforming to stereotypes of ugliness? Does that make an ethical difference?
Take eyeball tattooing, a fad which started with a US tattoo artist who goes by the name Luna Cobra. He injects pigment directly into the eyeball so it rests under the eye’s thin top layer. “If you want to amuse yourself by decorating your eyeball, why not do it?” he told the BBC. “I do a lot of things that look like tie-dye or ‘cosmic space’. I think it brings a realm of fantasy into everyday life.”
The government of the Australian state of New South Wales has just passed a law regulating the procedure, but it may eventually ban it altogether.
Mr Cobra says that his first clients wanted to have blue eyeballs like characters in the science fiction novel Dune. Black has become the colour du jour amongst gentlemen who wish to look dangerous. Mr Cobra tries to ensure that they give informed consent to the procedure:
The object of aesthetic surgery seems to be to allow the patient to blend into a crowd of beautiful people. The object of uglification “surgery” seems to be to scare the beautiful people away. Even then there are problems with stereotyping. Last year Jason Barnum was sentenced in an Alaskan court for the attempted murder of a policeman. At his trial police testified that his face, and especially his black eyeball, showed that he had “decided a long time ago that his life was about being hostile to people”.
To conclude our then and now comparison begun in the Commentary, here’s a song by Larry Norman, “I Wish We’d All Been Ready” from his 1972 album, “Only Visiting This Planet.” The song was popular during the same era as the rapture movies. Though the movie embedded above, “Years of the Beast” may seem dated, the message of this song never loses its impact because it’s about the coming of the Lord, and those who will regret not choosing Christ before then.
God has warned in the Bible where this world system is heading. The 666 Surveillance System is now on the fast track. There is no stopping it. Are you going to be with Jesus Christ and eternal life, or are you going to take the “666 Mark” and be eternally damned? The stakes could not be higher: eternal life or eternal damnation. Now is the time to repent of sin and trust Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Make sure that you use The 666 Surveillance System brochure as it is a great witnessing tool. I also offer the Prophecy Packet which includes that 666 brochure. If you would like a copy, please email Dave at: [email protected] and ask for the packet along with giving your name and mailing address. This brochure is now available in Spanish. Now is the time to use prophetic information to share the gospel.
The following verses state what the Bible says happens to all who reject salvation through Jesus Christ, and receive the “Mark of the Beast”:
Revelation 14:9-11 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
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