Science: Transhumanis Special Attention!
Revelation 13:15
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
I posted a teaching about scientists merging men and machines. It is called Singularity and The Image of the Beast and a teaching called Genetic Armageddon. If you are a first time reader, I suggest that you read both of these articles.
Together both of these articles show that the scientists are on the verge of creating a transhuman. This is a beast that is part human and part something else. It could be part machine or, by mixing DNA, part animal. Creating a transhuman is right on top of us! The genetic manipulation is further advanced, but both are near completion, which results in a being that is no longer human.
I believe that tampering with the integrity of man is a KEY sign of the approaching Day of the LORD. God will put a stop to this at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. It appears from Revelation 13:15 that man will succeed in creating a transhuman which the Bible calls “The Image of the Beast.”
Revelation 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
From charting the advancement toward creating a transhuman being, it is possible to get an idea how close man is to the Day of the LORD and God’s judgment. God must stop the creation of transhumans because these creatures are not created in His image and likeness; therefore, they cannot be redeemed through the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Transhumanism shows the end of the road of man’s rebellion against God! This is close, very close. What I am posting is NOT science fiction. What was once science fiction is now becoming reality! What was science fiction 20 years ago can be reality in the very near future! It is like much of science fiction is advertisement for transhumanism. It is softening the public, especially the youngsters, to accept it. These are incredible times we live in and do not be fearful: but grow closer to the Savior and focused on His Coming.
May the Holy God of Israel bless you.
Commentary Special Attention
There has been a significant breakthrough toward creating the Image of the Beast! I have been saying that the breakthroughs were coming and creating the Image was very close. The mad scientists have created a chip that mimics the brain! The chip can think, so now they will create “live” computers. This is needed to create the brain from the Image of the Beast. The Image will have to think to be in man’s image, so this is a huge breakthrough.
These scientists have no idea that they are working to fulfill God’s prophetic word. In a real sense they are creating a Frankenstein who will be destroyed at the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Look how events are all coming together. Israel and Jerusalem are the focus of world attention with a huge war building day by day. The world economy is melting down with no way to stop it. There is a call for a world economic government and in the midst of all this, there are huge strides towards creating the Image of the Beast. The prophetic word of God is leaping off the pages of the Bible!
***IBM unveils chips that mimic the human brain*** “IBM has unveiled a new experimental computer chip that it says mimics the human brain in that it perceives, acts and even thinks. It terms the machines built with these chips “cognitive computers”, claiming that they are able to learn through experience, find patterns, generate ideas and understand the outcomes. IBM states that the chips, while certainly not biological, are inspired by the architecture of the human brain in their design. Digital silicon circuits make up what it terms the “neurosynaptic core”.
Notice these chips are being modeled after the structure of the human brain! The Image of the Beast is coming very soon.
Articles: Singularity
Thinking for itself: The robot that learns functions it was not programmed to do This is right out of the movie The Terminator! And, it ties in with the above article.
Team Frankenstein’ launch bid to build a human brain within decade This article shows the effort being made to create a human mind. They will succeed only to see everything destroyed at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
How to mentally operate an autonomous robot The merging of man’s thought with a machine. This is the principal of the Image of the Beast.
Scientists Have New Help Finding Their Way Around Brain’s Nooks and Crannies All the secrets of the brain are being uncovered. This is information that will be used in creating the brain for the Image.
Wireless Network in Hospital Monitors Vital Signs, Even as Patients Move About This is all part of the coming world-wide Wi-Fi. Everything will be interconnected through the massive Wi-Fi. When the electronic tattoo is perfected, people will be tied into it including their thinking!
Brain’s frequencies have much to tell scientists The Image will function at the same frequency as the human brain.
Memory Implant Gives Rats Sharper Recollection This will be part of transferring human thoughts into the Image of the Beast.
How the brain remembers what happens and when Notice how all aspects of the brain are being identified. This is to eventually control the thinking process and create a “living” brain for the Image.
Now you could get X-Men super powers after scientists develop world’s first ‘living laser’ beam This is the merging of man with machine. This is going to look perfectly normal to people but especially to the young.