Science: Transhumanism November 1, 2009
Genesis 1:24
And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
I posted a teaching about scientists merging men and machines. It is called Singularity and The Image of the Beast. I also posted a teaching called Genetic Armageddon.
Together both of these articles show that the scientists are on the verge of creating a transhuman. This is a beast that is part human and part something else. It could be part machine or, by mixing DNA, part animal. Creating a transhuman is right on top of us! The genetic manipulation is further advanced, but both are near completion. A human who is no longer human.
I believe that tampering with the integrity of man is a KEY sign of the approaching Day of the LORD. God will put a stop to this at the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus. It appears from Revelation 13:15 that man will succeed in creating a transhuman which the Bible calls “The Image of the Beast.”
Revelation 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
From charting the advancement toward creating a transhuman being, it is possible to get an idea how close man is to the Day of the LORD and God’s judgment. God must stop the creation of transhumans because these creatures are not created in His image and likeness; therefore, they cannot be redeemed through the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Transhumanism shows the end of road of man’s rebellion against God! This is close, very close. What I am posting is NOT science fiction. What was once science fiction is now becoming reality! What was science fiction 20 years ago can be reality in the very near future! It is like much of science fiction is advertisement for transhumanism. It is softening the public, especially the youngsters, to accept it.
I am merging my updates on Singularity and Genetic Armageddon into one. This way you can follow the creation of a transhuman and see how close the end is. These are incredible times we live in and do not be fearful: but grow closer to the Savior and focused on His Coming.
May the Holy God of Israel bless you.
Lately I have received many emails about my postings about Transhumanism. This is a real blessing to me as many people are now seeing the hour we live and how far the rebellion against God has reached. The move toward Transhumanism is the gauge to how close is the glorious Second Coming of the Lord Jesus.
Please read my two teachings which I have linked to above. Many of the questions that were listed in the emails are answered in these teachings. To obtain a good grounding of Transhumanism, you need to read these teachings. I also request that you print out the teachings or email them to others. The entire church needs to understand what Transhumanism is and the hour we now live in. Maybe you can use it to win the lost to the Blessed Redeemer.
There was another major breakthrough toward The Singularity that I want to immediately bring to your attention. The mad scientists are now able to read your mind and reproduce A PICTURE OF WHAT YOU ARE THINKING!!!
***Psychic computer shows your thoughts on screen 11/01/09 This is a must read as it lays out how far the mad scientists have gone in decoding the brain! The mad scientists even tried to put a good spin on this, lol. What a joke this is:
“The breakthrough raises the prospect of significant benefits, such as allowing people who are unable to move or speak to communicate via visualization of their thoughts; recording people’s dreams; or allowing police to identify criminals by recalling the memories of a witness.”
This is all to reduce the brain to a digital form that can be computerized and downloaded into a computer. This will be used to create the cyborg that is the Image of the Beast. What was once science fiction is now becoming reality. Many of these sci-fi movies and books were preparing the people to accept the Singularity. It was satan’s attempt to be prophetic! We can see right through this with an understanding of Bible prophecy! We need to thank the LORD for His prophetic word which gives us such great light in the evil time we live.
The Singularity scientists stated that 2009 onwards was going to accelerate The Singularity. It looks like they were right on target. This tells us there is not much time left until the Lord Jesus returns in flaming fire to put an end to this rebellion and assault on the integrity of man.
Genesis 11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Articles: The Singularity
2 Thess 1:7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, (8) In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: (9) Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;
With Movies like Transformers, and the new movie coming soon called ÄVATAR"~Õur youth are in deed being desensitized to these things ~~Amen
Aha, Shannon, Just because Horse reirds have protective helmets does not mean that it’s not as dangerous as CheerLeading. And I’m most definitely not saying that CheerLeading isn’t dangerous, But I’d say horses are more dangerous. I actually was in a severe accident, Horse related. And I’ve done some research on both. So,.. Basically Cheerleading has more injuries, BUT, Horseback riding has more deaths.. Over injuries.My view is this.The Pragmatic Side: horse riding is more dangerous, as it contains much greater potential danger. Falls, trampling, jumps gone awry, tangled straps, bucking, spooks and other sudden losses of control, kicking- remember that horses are several times heavier and more muscular than any human *and have a thick layer of metal nailed to their feet*. Sure you can get hurt cheerleading, but it’d have to be a damn high pyramid to inflict the injuries some of those could.The Statistical Side: cheerleading is more dangerous because more injuries result, a fact which cheerleaders apparently boast of. Presumably this means either that horse reirds take more effective precautions, or cheerleaders are more likely to report an injury.The Conclusion: Cheerleaders are less sensible horses.