Science: Transhumanism: Special Attention
Luke 17:26
And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
I posted a teaching about scientists merging men and machines. It is called Singularity and The Image of the Beast and a teaching called Genetic Armageddon. If you are a first time reader, I suggest that you read both of these articles.
Together both of these articles show that the scientists are on the verge of creating a transhuman. This is a beast that is part human and part something else. It could be part machine or, by mixing DNA, part animal. Creating a transhuman is right on top of us! The genetic manipulation is further advanced, but both are near completion, which results in a being that is no longer human.
I believe that tampering with the integrity of man is a KEY sign of the approaching Day of the LORD. God will put a stop to this at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. It appears from Revelation 13:15 that man will succeed in creating a transhuman which the Bible calls “The Image of the Beast.”
Revelation 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
From charting the advancement toward creating a transhuman being, it is possible to get an idea how close man is to the Day of the LORD and God’s judgment. God must stop the creation of transhumans because these creatures are not created in His image and likeness; therefore, they cannot be redeemed through the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Transhumanism shows the end of the road of man’s rebellion against God! This is close, very close. What I am posting is NOT science fiction. What was once science fiction is now becoming reality! What was science fiction 20 years ago can be reality in the very near future! It is like much of science fiction is advertisement for transhumanism. It is softening the public, especially the youngsters, to accept it. These are incredible times we live in and do not be fearful: but grow closer to the Savior and focused on His Coming.
May the Holy God of Israel bless you.
Commentary Special Attention
Just a few days ago, I posted on a huge breakthrough with Singularity. It had to do with computer chips that can “think” like a human. Now there has been a huge breakthrough with creating a chimera. This is a creature of multiple species. The breakthroughs are now happening so fast!
The mad scientists now have merged a chicken with an alligator. This creature has the body of a chicken, but the beak of an alligator. The scientist who did this claims he is reversing evolution. The technology is now in place to do this to humans, if it has not been done already. There are no restraints on these scientists, as they are under the delusion of evolution. I knew evolution was wrong but never realized just how dangerous it was until I understood transhumanism. I warned that this would happen and now it is out in the open. The floodgates are now open.
The foundation of transhumanism is evolution, as it allows the scientists to tamper with DNA because in their thinking “it all just happened by chance”! God as Creator is out of the picture and man being created in His image is really just a joke to them. Their belief in evolution will allow them make this like the Days of Noah and create the Image of the Beast. If the vast majority of scientists believed the Bible, this would not happen. Unbelief will create the Image of the Beast. These mad scientists mock, laugh and sneer at the Bible, and yet in their unbelief, they are working to fulfill Bible prophecy! I almost feel like saying the “joke is on them” but this is so serious because damnation from God is at stake.
By merging two species, the scientists have created a chimera. The pagans wrote about chimeras, and we pay no attention that it could have happened. The classic chimera was a Centaur which was part human and part horse. Today, it is becoming clear that creating a human chimera is possible in the not too distant future. I believe that it will happen. These creatures will be destroyed at the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus along with the system that created them.
The mad scientists now have merged a chicken with an alligator. This creature has the body of a chicken, but the beak of an alligator. The scientist who did this claims he is reversing evolution. The technology is now in place to do this to humans, if it has not been done already. There are no restraints on these scientists, as they are under the delusion of evolution. I knew evolution was wrong but never realized just how dangerous it was until I understood transhumanism. I warned that this would happen and now it is out in the open. The floodgates are now open.
The foundation of transhumanism is evolution, as it allows the scientists to tamper with DNA because in their thinking “it all just happened by chance”! God as Creator is out of the picture and man being created in His image is really just a joke to them. Their belief in evolution will allow them make this like the Days of Noah and create the Image of the Beast. If the vast majority of scientists believed the Bible, this would not happen. Unbelief will create the Image of the Beast. These mad scientists mock, laugh and sneer at the Bible, and yet in their unbelief, they are working to fulfill Bible prophecy! I almost feel like saying the “joke is on them” but this is so serious because damnation from God is at stake.
By merging two species, the scientists have created a chimera. The pagans wrote about chimeras, and we pay no attention that it could have happened. The classic chimera was a Centaur which was part human and part horse. Today, it is becoming clear that creating a human chimera is possible in the not too distant future. I believe that it will happen. These creatures will be destroyed at the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus along with the system that created them.
Rewinding evolution: Scientists alter chicken DNA to create embryo with ‘alligator-like’ snout “Scientists have undone the progress made by evolution by altering chicken DNA to create embryos with alligator-like snouts instead of beaks. Experts changed the DNA of chicken embryos in the early stage of their development, enabling them to undo evolutionary progress and give the creatures snouts which are thought to have been lost in the cretaceous period millions of years ago. The scientific revelation of ‘rewinding’ evolution could pave the way for scientists altering DNA in the other direction and use the same process to create species better able to adapt to Earth’s climate.“
‘Making science-fiction a reality’: Bulletproof human skin made from spider silk and goat milk developed by researchers “It might look like a poorly drawn picture of an alien, but this is actually one of the most advanced types of skin ever made – that can even stop bullets. Researchers genetically engineered goats to produce milk which is packed with the same protein as silk spiders. Once this is milked out it can be spun out and weaved into a material that is ten times stronger than steel. The fabric can then be blended with human skin to make what the scientists hope will be tough enough to stop even a bullet.“
This rapid advancement toward making chimeras and eventually a human one shows just how close is the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that the scientists will temporary succeed but only for a short time. The day of judgment is fast approaching.
Jude 1:14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,
Jude 1:14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,
Genetic Armageddon
F.D.A. Approves Drug From Gene-Altered Goats “Opening the barn door to a new era in farming and pharmaceuticals, the Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved the first drug produced by livestock that have been given a human gene“
Man with surgical horns! He is ready to become a transhuman along with all like him.