Life in the Electronic Concentration Camp
The 666 Surveillance System
Revelation 13:16-18 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666).
Introduction (Please read this if it is your first time with this section. It continues to a full teaching article.)
There is not a more spine-chilling chapter in the entire Bible than Revelation chapter 13. This chapter describes the rise to power of a demoniacally inspired world dictator, similar in nature to Adolph Hitler. He is called “the Beast”, but better known as the Anti-Christ. He uses a world financial system to control the people, as no one can buy or sell unless they are linked by a mark with the number 666 to this system. Thus this mark in the body is known as the “Mark of the Beast.” (Continued see: The 666 Surveillance System)
Although the Bible limits the “Mark” to economics, the current rapid advancement of technology shows that it is going beyond economics to a total world-wide surveillance system; thus, the “666 Surveillance System.” The Bible states that once a person receives the 666 Mark, he is locked into it and cannot escape. This person is eternally doomed. I believe that part of this system is mind-control. Once a person joins, the mind is seared and cannot escape; thus, the perfect “man/mouse trap”.
This blog keeps the reader on the cutting edge technology creating the conditions for fulfilling the “666 Surveillance System”. I have identified certain technologies that are needed to bring this system to pass. These technological advancements are reported under headings, so the reader is kept on the cutting edge of developments and can see where it is all heading. These headings include: Cashless Society, The Mind, E-Tattoos/Mark of the Beast, Total Surveillance, and High Technology.
This blog is the complement to the “Image of the Beast“ which focuses on man’s quest to transform creation, and to become “as gods” by “directing human evolution” using transhumanism.
Remember, that this system is in place immediately prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. It really does appear that His coming is not that far off. Are you ready to meet Him?
Life in the 666 Surveillance System is rapidly closing in on us and yet, most people seem unaware of it. We’re being watched through CCTV cameras; our emails and phone calls are being monitored and saved; our financial records are being reviewed and shared, and in short, everything we do is being tracked. Is there any way to escape from this man/mousetrap they’re setting for us? Not in this world, anyway. This is the 666 System materializing right in front of our eyes.
If you review the articles below, you’ll find that we’re being locked into a system where life is becoming more restrictive by the day. It’s no longer possible to hope that you’re below the radar and won’t be noticed. And if you’re noticed, there’s always the possibility that you’ll run afoul of something or someone, even if you don’t intend to do anything wrong.
A net gathering us up for sinister purposes is being carefully constructed and drawn tighter around all of us. Now it turns out that even technology which we’ve been told is beneficial, like health monitors, are providing information both to companies and to the powers-that-be, which can be used to manipulate or to trap us in some way. While privacy advocates try to make people aware of the dangers, the media is more aggressive about hyping these new developments as beneficial. But this 666 net will be smashed at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
And through it all, most of the public remains asleep and unaware of what they’re being guided toward, and how quickly it’s closing in on them. The Church has no excuse for such blindness, because we’ve been told what to expect and what to do about it. We’re to watch, pray and work while there’s still time, saving any we can out of what’s to come. If we’re faithful despite the obstacles, God will bless our efforts and reward us at the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Revelation 3: 2-5 Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God. Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee…He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.
Total Surveillance
Life in The Electronic Concentration Camp. The Government With Its Arsenal Of Technology Is Going In Order To Accustom The American People To Life In A Police State
“What is most striking about the American police state is not the mega-corporations running amok in the halls of Congress, the militarized police crashing through doors and shooting unarmed citizens, or the invasive surveillance regime which has come to dominate every aspect of our lives.
No, what has been most disconcerting about the emergence of the American police state is the extent to which the citizenry appears content to passively wait for someone else to solve our nation’s many problems.
Unless Americans are prepared to engage in militant nonviolent resistance in the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr. andGandhi, true reform, if any, will be a long time coming.
Yet as I detail in my articles every time, if we don’t act soon, all that is in need of fixing will soon be unfixable, especially as it relates to the police state that becomes more entrenched with each passing day.
By “police state,” I am referring to more than a society overrun by the long arm of the police.
I am referring to a society in which all aspects of a person’s life are policed by government agents, one in which,
all citizens are suspects
their activities monitored and regulated
their movements tracked
their communications spied upon
their lives, liberties and pursuit of happiness dependent on the government’s say-soThat said, how can anyone be expected to “fix” what is broken unless they first understand the lengths to which the government with its arsenal of technology is going in order to accustom the American people to life in a police state and why being spied on by government agents, both state and federal, as well as their partners in the corporate world, is a problem, even if you’ve done nothing wrong.”
China Wants to Make ‘Minority Report’ a Reality
“China has a new strategy in fighting crime, ripped from science fiction and hastily pasted at the top of the list of paranoia-inducing concepts.
It’s called pre-crime. It goes further than sting operations, counterterrorism, or any other government action to preempt criminal activity ever before.
Like the 2002 film Minority Report, China wants to fight crimes before they happen. They want to know they’ll happen before they’re planned—before the criminal even knows he’s going to be part of them. Bloomberg Business reported that the Communist Party “has directed one of the country’s largest state-run defense contractors, China Electronics Technology Group, to develop software to collate data on jobs, hobbies, consumption habits, and other behavior of ordinary citizens to predict terrorist acts before they occur.”
The Chinese government wants to know about everything: every text a person sends, every extra stop they make on the way home. It’s designed for dissidents, but it means that they’ll know every time a smoker buys a pack of cigarettes, how much gas a car owner uses, what time the new mom goes to bed, and what’s in the bachelor’s refrigerator.
It’s a scary thought, especially when you consider that the main target of Chinese pre-crime efforts wouldn’t be “terrorists,” murderers, rapists, or child molesters, but rather dissidents of every shape and size.”
The Crime You Have Not Yet Committed
“Now a team of scientists has demonstrated that a computer can outperform human judges in predicting who will commit a violent crime. In a paper published last month, they described how they built a system that started with people already arrested for domestic violence, then figured out which of them would be most likely to commit the same crime again.
The technology could potentially spare victims from being injured, or even killed. It could also keep the least dangerous offenders from going to jail unnecessarily. And yet, there’s something unnerving about using machines to decide what should happen to people. If targeted advertising misfires, nobody’s liberty is at stake.
For two decades, police departments have used computers to identify times and places where crimes are more likely to occur, guiding the deployment of officers and detectives. Now they’re going another step: using vast data sets to identify individuals who are criminally inclined. They’re doing this with varying levels of transparency and scientific testing. A system called Beware, for example, is capable of rating citizens of Fresno, California, as posing a high, medium or low level of threat. Press accounts say the system amasses data not only on past crimes but on web searches, property records and social networking posts.
Critics are warning that the new technology had been rushed into use without enough public discussion. One question is precisely how the software works — it’s the manufacturer’s trade secret. Another is whether there’s scientific evidence that such technology works as advertised.”
Obama Administration Set to Expand Sharing of Data That N.S.A. Intercepts
“The Obama administration is on the verge of permitting the National Security Agency to share more of the private communications it intercepts with other American intelligence agencies without first applying any privacy protections to them, according to officials familiar with the deliberations.
The change would relax longstanding restrictions on access to the contents of the phone calls and email the security agency vacuums up around the world, including bulk collection of satellite transmissions, communications between foreigners as they cross network switches in the United States, and messages acquired overseas or provided by allies.
The idea is to let more experts across American intelligence gain direct access to unprocessed information, increasing the chances that they will recognize any possible nuggets of value. That also means more officials will be looking at private messages — not only foreigners’ phone calls and emails that have not yet had irrelevant personal information screened out, but also communications to, from, or about Americans that the N.S.A.’s foreign intelligence programs swept in incidentally.
Civil liberties advocates criticized the change, arguing that it will weaken privacy protections. They said the government should disclose how much American content the N.S.A. collects incidentally — which agency officials have said is hard to measure — and let the public debate what the rules should be for handling that information.”
Terrifying Big Brother Tactic Is Now A Reality
“One of the best known dystopian stories is Philip K. Dick’s The Minority Report, which Steven Spielberg made into a movie starring Tom Cruise, in which the police could predict the future actions of people and use these predictions to arrest people for the crimes before the crimes are even committed.
Unfortunately, in California, the beginning of this civil liberties nightmare appears to be occurring.
A software program called “Beware” is the scary piece of technology being used. To get an idea of how this works, take the case of a guy who is alleged to have threatened his ex-girlfriend. The Fresno, California police used… software which:
“scoured billions of data points, including arrest reports, property records, commercial databases, deep Web searches and the man’s social media postings.”
Now, the software found a “firearms conviction” and a “gang association” and rated this guy very dangerous. Maybe he is. What is scary, though, is that it gathers information and makes recommendations but cannot evaluate intent. Derek Smith of Excelsior College says,“It’s trying to forecast based on maybe your past behavior, or what is seen in your social media – a change in behavior or a change in the things you’re posting about[…]. They say ‘maybe this person is going to perpetrate a crime in the future,’ and then they want prevention from police officers.”
Exactly what Philip K. Dick predicted in his story.What brings this close to home is that some law enforcement personal, including people at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), want to classify people who believe in limited government or who have conservative Christian values or who believe in 2nd Amendment rights as potential terrorists. It is not much of a stretch to believe that they will use software like this to level an accusation against a peaceful Libertarian who would never dream or advocate pulling a Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber) just because that Libertarian doesn’t trust an overreaching government.
If you thought the NSA was bad, this takes it to the next level, and, if you are involved in our modern way of life at all, it would be difficult to not be noticed by this software and the law enforcement officials using it.”
When wearable electronics devices disappear into clothes
“Wearables will “disappear” in 2016, predicts New Enterprise Associates venture capital partner Rick Yang, cited in a Wednesday (Dec. 16) CNBC article — integrated “very directly into your everyday life, into your existing fashion sense to the extent that nobody knows you’re wearing a wearable,” he said.
For example, Athos makes smart workout clothes embedded with inconspicuous technology that tracks muscle groups, heart, and breathing rates, he noted.
But taking that next step in wearable technology means ditching bulky, clothes-deforming batteries…Enter Case Western Reserve University researchers, who announced Wednesday that have developed flexible wire-shaped microsupercapacitors that can be embedded as microscopic-sized wires directly in fabrics. These provide three times higher capacitance than previous attempts to create microsupercapacitors, the researchers say.”
Some fitness trackers vulnerable to monitoring, U of T study finds
“Some of the top-selling brands of fitness trackers that monitor wearers’ heart rates, sleeping patterns and movement are putting user data and privacy at risk, according to a new report.
Cybersecurity researchers at the University of Toronto examined eight popular wrist-worn trackers. They tested how they communicate with mobile apps and even upload and store a user’s workout information on manufacturers’ computer servers.
The researchers conclude that several models expose users to potential internet snoops and hackers even when devices aren’t being used for exercise and mobile apps are turned off.”
“In November, lawmakers on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved a number of seemingly innocuous tax treaties, which typically pass with little to no fanfare.
However, buried among the eight tax treaties passed by the Senate panel is one that could have significant consequences for Americans with foreign bank accounts, as well as foreigners who have an account at a U.S. financial institution.
It’s called the Protocol Amending the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters. If ratified by the Senate, the convention would result in the automatic exchange of individuals’ and businesses’ sensitive financial information between foreign governments and the U.S.”
God has warned in the Bible where this world system is heading. The 666 Surveillance System is now on the fast track. There is no stopping it. Are you going to be with Jesus Christ and eternal life, or are you going to take the “666 Mark” and be eternally damned? The stakes could not be higher: eternal life or eternal damnation. Now is the time to repent of sin and trust Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Make sure that you use The 666 Surveillance System brochure as it is a great witnessing tool. I also offer the Prophecy Packet which includes that 666 brochure. If you would like a copy, please email Dave at: [email protected] and ask for the packet along with giving your name and mailing address. This brochure is now available in Spanish. Now is the time to use prophetic information to share the gospel.
The following verses state what the Bible says happens to all who reject salvation through Jesus Christ, and receive the “Mark of the Beast”:
Revelation 14:9-11 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.