The Perfect Man/Mousetrap Is Set

The 666 Surveillance System
Revelation 13:16-18 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666).
Introduction (Please read this if it is your first time with this section. It continues to a full teaching article.)
There is not a more spine-chilling chapter in the entire Bible than Revelation chapter 13. This chapter describes the rise to power of a demoniacally inspired world dictator, similar in nature to Adolph Hitler. He is called “the Beast”, but better known as the Anti-Christ. He uses a world financial system to control the people, as no one can buy or sell unless they are linked by a mark with the number 666 to this system. Thus this mark in the body is known as the “Mark of the Beast.” (Continued see: The 666 Surveillance System)
Although the Bible limits the “Mark” to economics, the current rapid advancement of technology shows that it is going beyond economics to a total world-wide surveillance system; thus, the “666 Surveillance System.” The Bible states that once a person receives the 666 Mark, he is locked into it and cannot escape. This person is eternally doomed. I believe that part of this system is mind-control. Once a person joins, the mind is seared and cannot escape; thus, the perfect “man/mouse trap”.
This blog keeps the reader on the cutting edge technology creating the conditions for fulfilling the “666 Surveillance System”. I have identified certain technologies that are needed to bring this system to pass. These technological advancements are reported under headings, so the reader is kept on the cutting edge of developments and can see where it is all heading. These headings include: Cashless Society, The Mind, E-Tattoos/Mark of the Beast, Total Surveillance, and High Technology.
This blog is the complement to the “Image of the Beast“ which focuses on man’s quest to transform creation, and to become “as gods” by “directing human evolution” using transhumanism.
Remember, that this system is in place immediately prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. It really does appear that His coming is not that far off. Are you ready to meet Him?
This post is focused on surveillance and just how ubiquitous it has become. Most people really don’t know how far along the 666 Surveillance System is, but if you read this post and watch the videos, by the time you’re done you’ll have a whole new awareness that already there’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. We’re being watched and tracked virtually everywhere; even our most private conversations inside our homes are being recorded and monitored.
Sound fantastic? It’s not. For instance, Google Chrome has a feature which turns on your computer’s microphone and records everything going on around you, even when you think you’ve turned it off. And your children are unwitting spies as well as victims if they play with Barbie, since she has a wireless connection with a hidden mike so that whatever the child says is transmitted, recorded and analyzed.
But what will make the biggest impression and really give you a sense of how far this has gone already, are the two videos. The first deals with a new 360 degree surveillance system that can cover an entire city from the air. You’ll be astounded how easily anyone can be tracked, since it doesn’t just operate in real time but can be rewound to see where someone came from and every move they’ve made. Yet the second video, a trailer for a film called “Erasing David” will take you into what will seem to many like the twilight zone, and it’s from 2010 – five years ago! There’s a link where you can watch the entire 2 hour film, and when you’re done, you’ll be convinced that the perfect man/mousetrap is in place and has been set.
This is not a future plan by government; neither is it fear-mongering. It is prophetic, but not in the sense that it will happen someday. That day is here, now. Prophecy is coming to pass right before our eyes; we’re living in the midst of its fulfillment. We’d strongly urge you to consider everything in this post carefully, and then gauge for yourself how much longer it can be before the rest of God’s Word is fulfilled, and the true evil that will rule until Christ’s return takes power.
Revelation 13:7-8 …[P]ower was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Total Surveillance
‘Genuinely creepy’ – Your kids’ toys may be listening
“[I]t appears that the NSA may be only a bit player in the spy games these days, what with toys, software, televisions and more capable of recording conversations in Americans’ homes and transmitting it via the Web, according to a privacy organization.
It’s why the Electronic Privacy Information Center is seeking an investigation of the practice…The devices routinely record and store private communications from inside Americans’ homes, sometimes even forwarding the data to outside agencies. But the practices may violate wiretap restrictions, state privacy laws, the Federal Trace Commission Act and more, the privacy group says.
For example, EPIC reported, Google’s Chromium browser contains code that routinely captures private communications…‘Without consent, Google’s code had downloaded a black box of code that – according to itself – had turned on the microphone and was actively listening to your room.’” EPIC said Google “conceded that the browser contained this code.”
As a result, the browser “constantly ‘listens’ to the user using the computer’s built-in microphone, and when the user speaks the words ‘OK Google,’ Chromium activates a voice-to-text search function. This means that Chromium users are subject to constant voice recording in their private homes, without their permission or even their knowledge.”
Earlier, the group had cited Mattel’s “Hello Barbie,” a WiFi-connected doll with a built-in microphone. “Hello Barbie records and transmits children’s conversations to Mattel, where they are analyzed to determine ‘all the child’s likes and dislikes.’ … Kids using ‘Hello Barbie’ won’t only be talking to a doll, they’ll be talking directly to a toy conglomerate whose only interest in them is financial,” EPIC reported.
Among the questions that need to be answered, EPIC said, is how such technology works and what is captured. Also, where is the data stored, who has access to it and what laws apply.”
US company gives glimpse into future of government surveillance
“A SMALL private firm in the US has developed a surveillance system of Orwellian proportions that could very well be the future of big brother.
Thirty kilometres above a chosen city, a plane hangs out of sight of the thousands of people scurrying below — continuously circling the metropolis underneath. Every second, the plane takes a photo of the entire city and all the happenings within a 64sq km radius. The images are beamed down to a control centre where they create what is akin to a real-time Google map of everything taking place.
When a crime occurs, teams of analysts simply scroll back in time to the scene of the incident and identify those involved. From that point, they can follow the target by clicking forward through the images to the present moment and pinpoint their location.
Ostensibly, surveillance is about preventing and prosecuting crimes — and while it’s only been used in a handful of cities, Persistent Surveillance Systems (PSS) are designed to do just that. The times it has been used on US soil, the tool has allowed authorities to solve crimes in a matter of minutes.
As with all forms of surveillance, PSS ignites a debate about the trade off between civil freedoms and the lengths we should be willing to go to prevent crime…But the fears will always remain.”
Erasing David Below is the trailer for “Erasing David,” a film about a journalist who wants to test the surveillance that’s taking over Britain. The full 2 hour film can be seen at the bottom of the page as part of the article above, but this link will take you there. WARNING – Graphic Content: Journalist David Bond decides to find out how much private companies and the Government know about him by putting himself under surveillance and trying to drop off the radar. This is something everyone should see.
You’re being secretly tracked with facial recognition, even in church
“[F[acial recognition is starting to pop up in weird and unexpected places: at music festivals (to identify criminals); at stadiums (to weed out “sports troublemakers“) and at churches. Yes, churches.
[T]here are 30 churches around the world using…Churchix technology. He launched the service just four months ago and says churches are already using it to scan congregants’ earthly visages to keep track of attendance at events in order to know who wasn’t there so they can check up on them, or who attends most frequently so they can ask those people for donations.
I asked him if the churches let people know they’re using the technology. “I don’t think churches tell people,” he said. “We encourage them to do so but I don’t think they do.”
That’s exactly the fear that privacy advocates have about the increasing roll-out of this technology: people’s faces are being put in databases and used to track them without any knowledge that it’s happening. Greenshpan argues that churches were already keeping track of who attended their events, but that his technology just makes it more efficient for medium-sized and mega-churches.”
Tracking kids via microchip ‘can’t be far off,’ says expert
“It’s a thought that is just a little too Orwellian for most people — putting a microchip inside your body. But there are people who are doing just that already.
For most of those who have, it’s a matter of convenience. Now, they can log onto their computer, lock or unlock their front door, or even start their car with a wave of a microchip implanted in their hand. Now let’s take the technology one step further. What if you could implant a chip in your child which could help bring him or her home in the event they were lost or worse — kidnapped?
Experts are working on that possibility right now. There are already working on products you can buy, like watches or bracelets or tracking bugs to drop into a backpack which can be tracked by GPS. But tracking a microchip, placed inside a human body is another matter.
“I just might be one of those mothers who would do it”, says Trish Dickerson. Her 3 and a half-year-old son, Elliott, never stops. “He has no fear, of anybody or anything. He has no stranger danger,” Dickerson said. Dickerson said she though[t] one day, “I microchip my dog, why couldn’t I microchip my son?”
Stewart Lipoff said that’s the “ick factor” most people cannot get over.”
High Technology
The dark side of iPads coming to light
“An alarming trend is coming to light as psychologists and counselors see more and more young people addicted to the Internet and portable electronic devices.
Official figures confirm the picture…paint[ed], with emergency admissions to child psychiatric wards doubling in four years, and those young adults hospitalized for self-harm up by 70 percent in a decade. “Something is clearly happening,” says Evans, “because I am seeing the evidence in the numbers of depressive, anorexic, cutting children who come to see me. And it always has something to do with the computer, the Internet and the smartphone.”
Children’s dependency and addiction to electronics have been worrying child-development specialists for years. Evidence is mounting that heavy use of iPads for toddlers interferes with play and cognitive development. Young children cannot use such basic toys as building blocks because they have not developed the necessary motor skills.
Older children are also reportedly having trouble with traditional pen-and-paper exams because they are unable to properly hold a writing instrument and “because their memory had been eroded by overexposure to screen-based technology.”
Mood-changing wearable tech sets pulses racing
“The makers of ‘doppel’ call it the next generation of wearable technology – one that can actually change the mood of the user. They say the device taps in to the body’s natural rhythm and gives the wearer control over how alert or relaxed they are.
Similar to the way that upbeat music can motivate the body, while downbeat music relaxes; doppel provides a tactile beat to the wearer’s wrist that they can adjust to make themselves feel more alert or relaxed.
“Doppel, as it stands, delivers two separate rhythms — one high and one low. The high rhythm essentially delivers a rhythm which is higher than your resting heartbeat, and the lower one which is lower. And it works in a very similar way as to when you listen to upbeat or downbeat music. So, in the same way that upbeat music can excite you or bring you up, make you more alert; doppel does this. And it does the same thing with the downbeat tempo which you feel calming you down and even helping you into sleep,” said Andreas Bilicki, co-creator of doppel.
Their research into psycho-physiology – the way a person’s mind and body affect one-another – inspired them to design a new technology that could harness the body’s innate response to rhythm.”
God has warned in the Bible where this world system is heading. The 666 Surveillance System is now on the fast track. There is no stopping it. Are you going to be with Jesus Christ and eternal life, or are you going to take the “666 Mark” and be eternally damned? The stakes could not be higher: eternal life or eternal damnation. Now is the time to repent of sin and trust Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Make sure that you use The 666 Surveillance System brochure as it is a great witnessing tool. I also offer the Prophecy Packet which includes that 666 brochure. If you would like a copy, please email Dave at: [email protected] and ask for the packet along with giving your name and mailing address. Now is the time to use prophetic information to share the gospel.
The following verses state what the Bible says happens to all who reject salvation through Jesus Christ, and receive the “Mark of the Beast”:
Revelation 14:9-11 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
1 Response
[…] the Beast system because dissenters will be virtually unable to hide or survive. Our recent post, “The Perfect Man/Mousetrap Is Set” which featured an article and trailer for the film “Erasing David,” showed the vast state of […]