Remember the movie “Total Recall?” It isn’t that far from reality. DARPA has been given funding to pursue research that on the surface has a good purpose, which is to help soldiers (and eventually civilians) who have suffered brain damage and are unable to recall past events or to adequately form new memories. But as with everything else that comes from DARPA, ultimately the purpose is military advantage and government control. That raises some troubling implications about this research and the possible reasons it actually is being conducted. From new implantable brain chips to techniques using the power of suggestion, tremendous progress is being made in discovering how memories are created and stored. They have found that recall and the emotions related to those recollections are stored in different parts of the brain, on opposite sides. This means that through implantable chips, they can transform these components separately, creating feelings that weren’t previously connected with events or memories that never really occurred. With this technology, there is a great possibility of mind control, either by creating memories, erasing memories or by transferring feelings onto existing memories.