Genesis 11:6
And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
Together both of these articles show that the scientists are on the verge of creating a transhuman. This is a beast that is part human and part something else. It could be part machine or, by mixing DNA, part animal. Creating a transhuman is right on top of us! The genetic manipulation is further advanced, but both are near completion which results in a human who is no longer human.
I believe that tampering with the integrity of man is a KEY sign of the approaching Day of the LORD. God will put a stop to this at the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus. It appears from Revelation 13:15 that man will succeed in creating a transhuman which the Bible calls “The Image of the Beast.”
Revelation 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
From charting the advancement toward creating a transhuman being, it is possible to get an idea how close man is to the Day of the LORD and God’s judgment. God must stop the creation of transhumans because these creatures are not created in His image and likeness; therefore, they cannot be redeemed through the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Transhumanism shows the end of the road of man’s rebellion against God! This is close, very close. What I am posting is NOT science fiction. What was once science fiction is now becoming reality! What was science fiction 20 years ago can be reality in the very near future! It is like much of science fiction is advertisement for transhumanism. It is softening the public, especially the youngsters, to accept it.These are incredible times we live in and do not be fearful: but grow closer to the Savior and focused on His Coming.
May the Holy God of Israel bless you.
The move towards transhumanism is expanding as many more universities and now the military is involved. I am just amazed how fast this is all coming together. These brilliant scientists are working day and night to advance transhumanism and have no idea they are working to fulfill Bible prophecy. They are just like pawns and because they reject God and the Bible they are totally blind. They have no fear of God and think they are free agents because of evolution, while in reality they are directly being used by satan to create the Image of Beast and other technological items described in the Bible!
The anti-christ will demand worship of both himself and his image or face death, so in a sense, these brilliant scientists are building their own gallows! They are in a human sense brilliant and in a spiritual sense complete fools. How sad to reject God and end up working for the devil to create a transhuman and bring God’s judgment on yourself and mankind.
Your Bionic Brain: The Merging of Brain and Machine “Futurists and science-fiction writers have long speculated about merging human and machine, especially human brains and
. These dreams are slowly becoming reality: The deaf are hearing with bionic “ears,” the blind see with the aid of electrodes, an amputee is moving a prosthetic arm by thought, a man paralyzed with locked-in syndrome is “speaking” through a brain electrode connected to a computerized synthesizer.”
This quote says it all. The scientists are looking to merge the human brain with a computer and this will be the CPU for the “Image of the Beast.” They are now working day and night to bring this to reality.
Transhumanism If you really want to handle on transhumanism this is the article. It is long with lots of detail but when
finished, you will see the big picture of what is going on.
Mapping the fruit fly brain “A new computer-based technique is exploring uncharted territory in the fruit fly brain with cell-by-cell detail that can be built into networks for a detailed look at how neurons work together. The research may ultimately lead to a complete master plan of the entire fly brain. Mapping the estimated 100,000 neurons in a fly brain, and seeing how they interact to control behavior, will be a powerful tool for figuring out how the billions of neurons in the human brain work.” When they have successfully mapped this brain, the scientists will focus on the human brain as that is their main target! This is just training.
Mind Reading
Genetic Armageddon
“Scientists have been given permission to put human genes into goats, sheep and cows for the next 20 years, to see if the animals will produce human proteins in their milk.”
Make sure you are on God’s side and not working for satan. Please do not in anyway be involved tampering with the core of mankind, as this is a violation of God’s word and brings severe judgment.
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
You hit the nail right on its head!
I also look at the transhuman endevour as a slap in God's face. He won't put up with this any more than he put up with the Nephalim or the tower of Bable.
Apostasy is another sign that I look at as a bellwether for the lateness of the hour.
Lately the speed at which the End Times Stories are popping up has become "The Story"!!
All the End Times ministries are waiting for the second shoe to drop!
In Hebrew, they are called Nephillim, and it seems to have been the true cause of the flood of Noah. Very good blog entry, and totally factual IMO.