Science: Transhumanism: June 6, 2010
Revelation 13:15
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
I posted a teaching about scientists merging men and machines. It is called Singularity and The Image of the Beast and a teaching called Genetic Armageddon. If you are a first time reader, I suggest that you read both of these articles.
Together both of these articles show that the scientists are on the verge of creating a transhuman. This is a beast that is part human and part something else. It could be part machine or, by mixing DNA, part animal. Creating a transhuman is right on top of us! The genetic manipulation is further advanced, but both are near completion which results in a human who is no longer human.
I believe that tampering with the integrity of man is a KEY sign of the approaching Day of the LORD. God will put a stop to this at the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus. It appears from Revelation 13:15 that man will succeed in creating a transhuman which the Bible calls “The Image of the Beast.”
Revelation 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
From charting the advancement toward creating a transhuman being, it is possible to get an idea how close man is to the Day of the LORD and God’s judgment. God must stop the creation of transhumans because these creatures are not created in His image and likeness; therefore, they cannot be redeemed through the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Transhumanism shows the end of the road of man’s rebellion against God! This is close, very close. What I am posting is NOT science fiction. What was once science fiction is now becoming reality! What was science fiction 20 years ago can be reality in the very near future! It is like much of science fiction is advertisement for transhumanism. It is softening the public, especially the youngsters, to accept it.These are incredible times we live in and do not be fearful: but grow closer to the Savior and focused on His Coming.
May the Holy God of Israel bless you.
Like the war in the Middle East and the collapsing world economy, the move toward Singularity is accelerating. All prophetic themes are now converging at warp speed! God is quickly moving to bring about the conclusion of His prophetic word about the Day of the LORD and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ with His church.
Satan is getting ready for transhumanism, and it is easy to tell, as he is now marketing it in the movies. This month is the release of a movie titled: Singularity is Here. This is the Image of The Beast as described in Revelation 13. This is satan’s plan to destroy that man is created in the image of God and turn man into a machine. The plan is all laid out and now the public is being softened up with movies.Singularity is here Man’s mind is so far removed from the Bible that satan can directly advertise and most are clueless! “Mr. Kurzweil sees “the dawning of a new civilization, enabling us to transcend our biological limitations.” Boundaries blur between human and machine, real and virtual. Human aging and illness are reversed, he says, world hunger and poverty are solved, and “we cure death.”
Learning from the Brain: Computer Scientists Develop New Generation of Neuro-Computer “Intelligent machines that not only think for themselves but also actively learn are the vision of researchers of the Institute for Theoretical Science (IGI) at Graz University of Technology.” This is going right at the heart of creating the Image of the Beast. Look how universities from all over the world are getting involved. I believe the Image of the Beast’s brain will function just like a human’s in every way.
Keep your eyes on the Lord Jesus, as the scientific world is now turning in a big way to bring about the Image of the Beast. All who reject the Lord Jesus as their Savior will be herded into the system and damned for eternity. Once a person joins this system, it will be under the penalty of death for rejection and all the electronics will be used to alter the brain . This person is now damned forever as there is no way out. They damn themselves when they take the Mark of the Beast and worship the image. This is no joke or a wild conspiracy theory. It is being put together right now. If you have never repented of sin and confessed the Lord Jesus as your Savior NOW is the time.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Selective Brain Damage Modulates Human Spirituality Even the location of spirituality has been identified in the brain! The entire function of the brain is being strip
ped naked before technology.
ped naked before technology.
Scientists Image Brain at Point When Vocal Learning Begins
Brain Scans Could Be Marketing Tool of the Future Why not as all will be known about the brain so why not make money off it!
New role for robot warriors I posted this to show just how far advanced science has come with robotics. This spills over in human type robotics.
Moral Judgments Can Be Altered Under the antichrist’s system a person’s mind will be locked and once a person joins this system they are damned forever. This article gives a clue to what is coming. Through electronics man’s thinking can be changed! Is this ever so dangerous!!! The scientists are preparing a trap for themselves and all who reject the Lord Jesus. They are making their own gallows.
Lie-Detection Brain Scan Could Be Used in Court for First Time With the mind control that is coming a person will not be able to lie and the mind will be blocked in that area. I guess like always, the politicians who control the system can lie and deceive, but the average person will be controlled.
Genetic Armageddon
‘Artificial life’ breakthrough announced by scientists
DNA could be backbone of next generation logic chips Man is being merged with machines even at the DNA level!
“So says a Duke University engineer, who believes that the next generation of these logic circuits at the heart of computers will be produced inexpensively in almost limitless quantities. The secret is that instead of silicon chips serving as the platform for electric circuits, computer engineers will take advantage of the unique properties of DNA, that double-helix carrier of all life’s information.”
Pentagon Ignores the Warnings of Splice and Jurassic Park in Breeding Artificial Life Keep in mind that the goal is man. The scientists will first genetically manipulate on lower forms before moving onto man. It is always justified with the cover they are helping to eliminate disease, etc.
Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Genetically altered "people" will be able to eat the genetically altered food…. With genetically modified brains that have switched off spiritual perception centers so as not to argue about the existence of God… to Destroy the bloodline of man… As in the days of Noah.
John you have amazing perceptions from the Holy Spirit as to what to watch for! I really appreciate your blog!! Thanks!
Thanks John good read. Who or what do you think will spiritually inhabit a cloned human being? A demonic entity? yikes!
Scientists are finding that, within physical (time/space) singularities, ALL of their theories hit an unsolvable brick wall. The ways in which they discuss these problems point clearly to Yahweh, though they all seem to like the word 'nature' better. Sigh…
Though I absolutely agree with you on the dangers of messing this deeply with the 'stuff' of life, this article, in the Christian Post, shows how some of the very darkest and most God-denying developments point clearly to the Creator. (I.e., if complex engineering — i.e., MINDS are required to make new forms of life, then mustn't OUR life also be due to a MIND?) Kinda cool as an apologetic…
Here's an interesting story which confirms all you've been saying; and look at the great light it's portrayed in.