Science: 666 System
Revelation 13:16,17
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (18) Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666).
Introduction (Please read this if it is your first time with this section. It is continued to a full teaching article.)
There is not a more spine-chilling chapter in the entire Bible than Revelation chapter 13. This chapter describes the rise to power of a demonically inspired world dictator, similar in nature to Adolph Hitler. He is called the Beast, but is better known as the Anti-Christ. He uses a world financial system to control the people, as no one can buy or sell unless they are linked by a mark with a number to this system. This is found in Revelation 13:16,17 with the number being 666. It seems that everyone knows about the number 666, even those with little knowledge of the Bible, as it is identified as the devil’s number! This is probably one of the best known verses in all the Bible.
For centuries, the fulfillment of these verses was a mystery. The mark was believed to be a tattoo. Christians believed by faith that, just prior to the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus, a system would be in place where no one could buy or sell without this Mark. However, the understanding of these verses along with the possible fulfillment has really come into focus in the last 25 years. (Continued see: The 666 Surveillance System)
Each new posting shows tremendous advances towards the coming 666 Surveillance System. These advances involve chips in the skin, mind control and surveillance technology. These advances are relentless and now surging.
I think that all that will be needed to get the public to accept what is coming is a social breakdown through war or an economic collapse. When this happens, the public will be ready for a complete surveillance society.
I want NO part of what is coming but look forward to the coming of the Lord Jesus for His church and the marriage supper of the Lamb. All that the world can look forward to is the antichirst and Armageddon which are now rapidly closing in on the world.
I think that all that will be needed to get the public to accept what is coming is a social breakdown through war or an economic collapse. When this happens, the public will be ready for a complete surveillance society.
I want NO part of what is coming but look forward to the coming of the Lord Jesus for His church and the marriage supper of the Lamb. All that the world can look forward to is the antichirst and Armageddon which are now rapidly closing in on the world.
Patent for “Living Chip” Technology Notice how this is connected with WiFi. The eventual Mark of the Beast will connect everyone to the WiFi system, but it will be two-way. The Mark will both transmit and receive information. This is all part of the coming mind control of this system.
“Last week, the University of Rochester was given a patent for a one-of-a-kind implantable diagnostic “living chip.” Researchers at U of R say the technology has the potential to save lives and improve the quality of life for those who suffer from chronic illnesses.The device contains sensors that can be implanted in the skin or in blood vessels and it reads the blood cells.”
Implantable RFID chips capable of remotely killing non-compliant ‘slaves’ are here Make sure that you watch the videos with this article. The information is fantastic showing that the 666 Surveillance System is very, very close. There is simply no way to stop this coming surveillance system. As fast as technology is being developed is how fast it is being implemented. The ultimate “people trap” is being created before our eyes.
“There is simply no denying the fact that “the powers that be” are working towards microchipping all of humanity. Countless news reports, including those compiled in the following YouTube clip, openly speak of microchips designed for implant into human skin:”
***A Pacemaker for Your Brain*** This technology right now is crude and requires an operation. As technology rapidly advances, this will be done externally and easy to administer! This is all part of controlling the thinking process. I believe that thought control is an integral part of the coming 666 Surveillance System. Once a person is initiated into this system, there is NO way out as the mind’s thinking process will be scarred forever.
Right now the scientists are learning how the mind functions and how to alter and control thinking. This knowledge will then be transferred into the 666 Surveillance System to alter the thinking process, so there is no way out of it once a person is initiated into it. Just look how frightening technology has now advanced. What will it be like in just five years!!
“Now a Tel Aviv University team, part of a European consortium, is delving deep into human behavior, neurophysiology and engineering to create a chip that can help doctors wire computer applications and sensors to the brain. The chip will provide deep brain stimulation precisely where and when it’s needed.“
Deep Brain Stimulation May Help Patients With Treatment-Resistant Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder This is another example of how the thought process is being tampered with. Because it is being implemented on a thinking disorder, there is no questioning of what is being done. There is no doubt in my mind that this technology is going to be used for the ultimate evil of locking people into the 666 Surveillance System and thus damning them forever.
Army Wants an Honest-to-God B.S. Detector This is all part of the external ability to monitor the mind’s thinking process.
New Street Lights To Have “Homeland Security” Applications This is a fantastic article showing just how fast and far technology has come to advance the 666 Surveillance System. The system is coming online, but something is needed to get the public to accept it. One large terrorist attack or a civil uprising will soften the public towards this total surveillance of the population.
Deep Brain Stimulation May Help Patients With Treatment-Resistant Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder This is another example of how the thought process is being tampered with. Because it is being implemented on a thinking disorder, there is no questioning of what is being done. There is no doubt in my mind that this technology is going to be used for the ultimate evil of locking people into the 666 Surveillance System and thus damning them forever.
Army Wants an Honest-to-God B.S. Detector This is all part of the external ability to monitor the mind’s thinking process.
New Street Lights To Have “Homeland Security” Applications This is a fantastic article showing just how fast and far technology has come to advance the 666 Surveillance System. The system is coming online, but something is needed to get the public to accept it. One large terrorist attack or a civil uprising will soften the public towards this total surveillance of the population.
Wherever You Go, Cameras Are Watching You Yet an additional article showing just how fast we are becoming a surveillance society.
How Modern Technology Allows Prisoners To Walk And Live Among Us This sounds good, but it is all part of the electronic monitoring of the public. I look at this a a trial run for what is coming, when the 666 Surveillance System is fully implemented.Bay Area Expert Weighs In On GPS Shoes For Alzheimer’s Patients
How Modern Technology Allows Prisoners To Walk And Live Among Us This sounds good, but it is all part of the electronic monitoring of the public. I look at this a a trial run for what is coming, when the 666 Surveillance System is fully implemented.Bay Area Expert Weighs In On GPS Shoes For Alzheimer’s Patients
Could Your Hand Become a Touchscreen? New Technology Makes it Happen
Now Available At Wal-Mart: Credit Card Processer That Plugs Into Your Smart Phone This is part of the coming cashless society, so all buying and selling can be brought under the 666 System. There will be nothing outside this system.
Revelation 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Revelation 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.