Tagged: 666 surveillance system

Google ‘Nearby’: Infiltration of Every Aspect of Your Life

We no longer can even hope for privacy, let alone expect it as a right. Life is closing in around us in the form of a Beast government which wants to track all we think, do and say, everywhere we go, and every item we purchase. It wants to know us better than we know ourselves and the Google gadget craze is opening the door for that by blinding the population to what really is occurring. That is what Nearby really is about. That Beast is forcing us into a system where eventually it will use all of that knowledge about us to weed us out. It will brook no dissent, and the beginning of that evil utopia is taking shape even now. Anyone who makes a politically incorrect statement is ostracized, fired, heaped with abuse, and in some cases, tortured or mind controlled.

Predictive Technology: A New Tool For The Thought Police

Anything you do that leaves an electronic trail is included in these supercomputer database files. Your doctor or your local police may soon call you to ask why you no longer are going to the gym or why you’ve made suspect purchases that indicate you’re not taking food care of yourself or that indicate you’re a possible mental health risk.

In Technology, the Future is Here Now: Abundance 360 and Exponential Technologies

Every technological advance will be promoted as something beneficial and wonderful. Nothing will appear to hold the potential for any negative fallout; nothing will seem to have the potential for misuse. And this drive toward a dumbed down, numbed out, conditioned population that will blindly accept every new innovation or program will continue at an ever-increasing rate.

Will we ever… have cyborg brains?

Scientists now can read minds, create and erase memories, and program areas of the brain to take on functions that normally are handled by other areas that are incapacitated through disease or accident. Some of these advances are so far along that they’re already becoming available through retail outlets to the general population.