Science: 666 System
Revelation 13:16,17
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (18) Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666).
Introduction (Please read this if it is your first time with this section. It is continued to a full teaching article.)
There is not a more spine-chilling chapter in the entire Bible than Revelation chapter 13. This chapter describes the rise to power of a demonically inspired world dictator, similar in nature to Adolph Hitler. He is called the Beast, but is better known as the Anti-Christ. He uses a world financial system to control the people, as no one can buy or sell unless they are linked by a mark with a number to this system. This is found in Revelation 13:16,17 with the number being 666. It seems that everyone knows about the number 666, even those with little knowledge of the Bible, as it is identified as the devil’s number! This is probably one of the best known verses in all the Bible.
For centuries, the fulfillment of these verses was a mystery. The mark was believed to be a tattoo. Christians believed by faith that, just prior to the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus, a system would be in place where no one could buy or sell without this Mark. However, the understanding of these verses along with the possible fulfillment has really come into focus in the last 25 years. (Continued) The 666 Surveillance System
There has been significant advancement in the mind control aspect of the 666 Surveillance System. This involves both electronic and drugs. Technology is reaching the point where the mind’s thoughts can be identified and drugs can alter morals! It will not be long before scientists will be able to directly interfere with the mind’s thinking process and control the mind. Of course, it will be promoted for health reasons and controlling anti-social behavior.
Salt Lake City goes wallet-free with Isis This is all part of creating a cashless economy. This is just a trial run, and when it is running smoothly they plan on exporting it to all cities. As this technology comes on line, everything will become cashless. This will make it very easy to control all buying and selling, which is exactly what the Bible states is going to happen.
“The plan will see Salt Lake City’s public transport system accepting pay-by-wave from a mobile phone by the middle of next year. Retailers have also been encouraged to adopt Near Field Communications technology at the point of sale, as Salt Lake City strives to become The Place You Can Leave Your Wallet At Home.”
Salt Lake City goes wallet-free with Isis This is all part of creating a cashless economy. This is just a trial run, and when it is running smoothly they plan on exporting it to all cities. As this technology comes on line, everything will become cashless. This will make it very easy to control all buying and selling, which is exactly what the Bible states is going to happen.
“The plan will see Salt Lake City’s public transport system accepting pay-by-wave from a mobile phone by the middle of next year. Retailers have also been encouraged to adopt Near Field Communications technology at the point of sale, as Salt Lake City strives to become The Place You Can Leave Your Wallet At Home.”
The 666 Surveillance System and the Brain
The app that can read your mind: iPhone brainwave detector arrives 01/15/11 “The device – that could confuse Luke Skywalker himself – is the latest in the field of emerging mind-controlled games and devices and works via a headset strapped around the user’s forehead, plugging into the iPhone jack. A state-of-the-art sensor within the device can then read the user’s brainwaves through the skull, converting them into digital signals before displaying them in various colours on the iPhone screen.”
Move Over, Joysticks: Brainwave-Controlled Gadgets Are Here 01/09/11 “InteraXon, a Canadian digital innovations company, was the hit of CES when it unveiled the latest products incorporating Thought Controlled Computing — a technology that lets users control a digital interface using simply the power of their concentration. Their creations include thought-controlled 3D glasses as well as an iPad game that tests a person’s ability to focus their mind for an extended period of time.”
A new Clockwork Orange? The marketing gadget that tracks brainwaves as you watch TV “A headband designed by San Francisco firm EmSense can sense your brainwaves as you have reactions to watching something and then record the data for researchers
. The process of measuring your reaction to something is known as ‘quantitative neurometrics’ and it can be carried out as you watch a computer or television.”
. The process of measuring your reaction to something is known as ‘quantitative neurometrics’ and it can be carried out as you watch a computer or television.”
Manipulating morals: scientists target drugs that improve behaviour Mind control is going to be part of the 666 Surveillance System, and now the scientists are developing drugs that alter one’s morals! This fits right in with the coming control of society.
“A pill to enhance moral behaviour, a treatment for racist thoughts, a therapy to increase your empathy for people in other countries – these may sound like the stuff of science fiction but with medicine getting closer to altering our moral state, society should be preparing for the consequences, according to a book that reviews scientific developments in the field.”
Obama Administration Unveils Internet ID Plan Notice how crime plays into the coming 666 System. To prevent crime, the federal government wants to issue a national Internet ID. This system has to come to control all buying and selling.
“The National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) will be a voluntary system designed to protect consumers from online fraud and identity theft — which hit 8.1 million people last year, at a total cost of $27 billion. The problem: The current system of half-remembered passwords jotted down on post-it notes and based on pets and maiden names simply isn’t good enough.”
“More than 1,100 registered sex offenders live and work in Allegheny County and 43 of them are now wearing monitoring devices as a condition of their parole. As long as the offenders stay in the inclusion area, they’re OK, but if they travel into an exclusion area, police are notified immediately.
“Exclusion zones for example [are] schools, daycares, playgrounds, facilities where children congregate for those sex offenders,” John Hudson, a security consultant, said. “We’ve identified in their red zones. If an offender with a device goes into one of the red zones, an exclusion zone, we’ll be notified immediately.”
Fingerprints Go the Distance 01/14/11
“Over the years, fingerprinting has evolved from an inky mess to pressing fingers on sensor screens to even a few touch-free systems that work at a short distance. Now a company has developed a prototype of a device that can scan fingerprints from up to two meters away, an approach that could prove especially useful at security checkpoints in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Revelation 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.