Category: Computer Brain

666 Mind Control: Past, Present and Future

Mind control is one of the most crucial components of the 666 Beast System. It became an important part of government research with the Nazis, then moved to other Western nations, including Britain with the Tavistock Institute, and to the US through the CIA program MK-Ultra. That branched into Monarch Mind Control Programming. All of these programs had their roots in the occult. But it has become widespread and has gone far beyond these initial origins. Today it is very sophisticated and seeks to reach masses of people, not merely experimental victims. The purpose is obvious for anyone familiar with where we’re headed as a society, and for those aware of what the Bible says will control the earth during the final days before the return of Christ. It has become so ubiquitous that most people don’t even realize they’re being subjected to it at some level, but it’s occurring through media and in many other ways. Yet it just seems to be background noise for those who aren’t actively seeking to understand why everything is changing, and growing darker and more chaotic, by the day.

From Cloaking Devices to Mind Control, the Future is Here Now

The future really is here now, in a more extreme form than anyone could have imagined. Looking at the pictures from the 1950’s the future seemed far away and strange. But reality is far stranger than anything we looked for in those days. We’re on the verge of having the Star Trek conceptions become reality – even things as seemingly impossible as cloaking devices. And we’re being subjected to extreme surveillance everywhere, until even the sight of our faces is enough to completely identify us and tie us in to huge data bases where everything about us is known.

The 666 Police State: Whatever Happened to Protect and Serve?

In the 1950’s and 60’s the police in America had a mandate “to protect and serve.” It even was painted on the side of some police cars. We’re now in a different world, one in which the 666 system of total control will utilize police to maintain that order. And it’s coming about rapidly. A large part of the problem, other than the growing coldness/hardness of society as God is pushed further away each day, is the militarization of police by the federal government. They are providing equipment and training to local police that previously was reserved for the military. They are supposed to have 2 very different functions – one is to fight the enemy and secure the borders and the other used to be “to protect and serve.” But as the federal government moves into this area with money and training, they are merging into the same function.

Mind Programming and The Commercial Trance State

The Luciferian agenda is becoming blatant in television and movies, in awards shows and sporting events, and even in advertising. You’ll find that many of these commercials don’t even focus on a product; they seem to be nothing more than tools to indoctrinate subconsciously or subliminally. They are one of the means being used for programming and mind control, so that the evil of the 666 Beast system becomes normal and accepted. Or they are rituals conducted through symbols right out in the open. Most people participate in these rituals by watching them without understanding, because they have no idea what they’re really seeing. Scripture admonishes us to learn about these things because we’re involved in a war – one fought against powerful entities that reside in another dimension but which exert a strong influence on this one.