Tagged: Operation Paperclip

666 Mind Control: Past, Present and Future

Mind control is one of the most crucial components of the 666 Beast System. It became an important part of government research with the Nazis, then moved to other Western nations, including Britain with the Tavistock Institute, and to the US through the CIA program MK-Ultra. That branched into Monarch Mind Control Programming. All of these programs had their roots in the occult. But it has become widespread and has gone far beyond these initial origins. Today it is very sophisticated and seeks to reach masses of people, not merely experimental victims. The purpose is obvious for anyone familiar with where we’re headed as a society, and for those aware of what the Bible says will control the earth during the final days before the return of Christ. It has become so ubiquitous that most people don’t even realize they’re being subjected to it at some level, but it’s occurring through media and in many other ways. Yet it just seems to be background noise for those who aren’t actively seeking to understand why everything is changing, and growing darker and more chaotic, by the day.