Sesame Credit: A Diabolical New System to Spy and Coerce Is Now Reality
We no longer live in a free society, in the sense that what we do is our own business and no one else’s. But now, new technology and models for spying have reached heights unimaginable in even the recent past, as “Minority Report” is becoming a reality, with police using information we provide about ourselves online to predict who will commit criminal acts. Worse than this, however, is a new concept being developed in China, which ultimately may come to the U.S., in which gaming technology is being used to create model citizens, and force the population into compliance. Using such ideas as peer pressure, credit scores, points accumulated for “politically correct” online statements and penalties for having the wrong online “friends.” Credit Sesame takes spying and coercion to a new level, one only possible with the coming of a 666 Surveillance state.