Tagged: Facebook

Sesame Credit: A Diabolical New System to Spy and Coerce Is Now Reality

We no longer live in a free society, in the sense that what we do is our own business and no one else’s. But now, new technology and models for spying have reached heights unimaginable in even the recent past, as “Minority Report” is becoming a reality, with police using information we provide about ourselves online to predict who will commit criminal acts. Worse than this, however, is a new concept being developed in China, which ultimately may come to the U.S., in which gaming technology is being used to create model citizens, and force the population into compliance. Using such ideas as peer pressure, credit scores, points accumulated for “politically correct” online statements and penalties for having the wrong online “friends.” Credit Sesame takes spying and coercion to a new level, one only possible with the coming of a 666 Surveillance state.

Big Brother isn’t just watching you – he’s listening, collecting data and monitoring everything about you

As we move closer to the 666 Beast state, surveillance and control have become increasingly heavy-handed. In this post you’ll find numerous articles related to places where you’re being watched – from street corners to inside of rental cars. It truly is becoming the nightmare envisioned in Orwell’s book, “1984.” Supposedly this all is for our protection, but does anyone feel safer because we’re being watched constantly? That’s the great deception. We aren’t being protected, but rather controlled.

Predictive Technology: A New Tool For The Thought Police

Anything you do that leaves an electronic trail is included in these supercomputer database files. Your doctor or your local police may soon call you to ask why you no longer are going to the gym or why you’ve made suspect purchases that indicate you’re not taking food care of yourself or that indicate you’re a possible mental health risk.

DARPA Brain Chips to Implant False Memory: Mind Control Redux?

Researchers are going in more than one direction in their quest to develop the most effective way to influence or control thought. Under the cover of health benefits for those with Alzheimer’s, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), or other problems with memory they are simultaneously exploring physical means to manipulate thought and memory through deep brain stimulation and implants, and more natural means by seeking to understand how memory works. But however innocuous or even helpful this research may appear, eventually it will be used to interfere with free will, something that defines man as a being made in God’s image.