Tagged: brain implants

666 Mind Control: Past, Present and Future

Mind control is one of the most crucial components of the 666 Beast System. It became an important part of government research with the Nazis, then moved to other Western nations, including Britain with the Tavistock Institute, and to the US through the CIA program MK-Ultra. That branched into Monarch Mind Control Programming. All of these programs had their roots in the occult. But it has become widespread and has gone far beyond these initial origins. Today it is very sophisticated and seeks to reach masses of people, not merely experimental victims. The purpose is obvious for anyone familiar with where we’re headed as a society, and for those aware of what the Bible says will control the earth during the final days before the return of Christ. It has become so ubiquitous that most people don’t even realize they’re being subjected to it at some level, but it’s occurring through media and in many other ways. Yet it just seems to be background noise for those who aren’t actively seeking to understand why everything is changing, and growing darker and more chaotic, by the day.

Invasion of the Brain Spyders

Some astonishing work is being done on the mind – retrieving memories, implanting thoughts, reading thoughts and controlling others with our thoughts. Sound like fiction? It’s not. Using brain decoders, implanted chips and other devices, scientists are learning so much about how the mind works that they’re finding ways to utilize that knowledge for other ends. As usual, while they tout all of the wonderful things that such research can accomplish and how it can change the lives of the injured, it also can be used in far darker ways – and it will.

The “Real ID” Is a Real Harbinger of Things To Come

What’s happening now with the Real ID is the pattern for what is to follow. The ramifications will make life so difficult that most people will willingly accept it rather than be subject, first to the inconvenience of refusing it, then to the impossibility of living normally without it. It’s classic manipulation of the masses, which is preferred by lawmakers to outright legislation forcing people to comply. Because of that, it’s even more dangerous because it won’t lead people to rise up in protest. After all, they aren’t required to have one, are they? Beware of anything that is promoted in such an underhanded manner and watch closely what follows in its wake.

DARPA Brain Chips to Implant False Memory: Mind Control Redux?

Researchers are going in more than one direction in their quest to develop the most effective way to influence or control thought. Under the cover of health benefits for those with Alzheimer’s, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), or other problems with memory they are simultaneously exploring physical means to manipulate thought and memory through deep brain stimulation and implants, and more natural means by seeking to understand how memory works. But however innocuous or even helpful this research may appear, eventually it will be used to interfere with free will, something that defines man as a being made in God’s image.

Will we ever… have cyborg brains?

Scientists now can read minds, create and erase memories, and program areas of the brain to take on functions that normally are handled by other areas that are incapacitated through disease or accident. Some of these advances are so far along that they’re already becoming available through retail outlets to the general population.