58 Search results

For the term "CERN".

The Avengers: Merger of Transhumanist and 666 Surveillance System Agendas

America is at the cusp of the biggest crisis it ever has known, but it appears that the Church has exchanged it’s birthright for a mess of pottage. Instead of repenting and crying out in prayer for revival, the churches are loathe even to mention sin; political correctness has trumped holiness. The 666 Surveillance System is right at the door and starting to come through, transhumanism and singularity are starting to merge into that system and with “The Avengers” that merger isn’t just beginning, it’s proceeding on steroids.

New High Tech Terms 5

New High Tech Terms

3-D printing – Any of various processes used to make a three-dimensional object. In 3D printing, additive processes are used, in which successive layers of material are laid down under computer control. These objects...

The 666 Police State: Whatever Happened to Protect and Serve?

In the 1950’s and 60’s the police in America had a mandate “to protect and serve.” It even was painted on the side of some police cars. We’re now in a different world, one in which the 666 system of total control will utilize police to maintain that order. And it’s coming about rapidly. A large part of the problem, other than the growing coldness/hardness of society as God is pushed further away each day, is the militarization of police by the federal government. They are providing equipment and training to local police that previously was reserved for the military. They are supposed to have 2 very different functions – one is to fight the enemy and secure the borders and the other used to be “to protect and serve.” But as the federal government moves into this area with money and training, they are merging into the same function.

Big Brother isn’t just watching you – he’s listening, collecting data and monitoring everything about you

As we move closer to the 666 Beast state, surveillance and control have become increasingly heavy-handed. In this post you’ll find numerous articles related to places where you’re being watched – from street corners to inside of rental cars. It truly is becoming the nightmare envisioned in Orwell’s book, “1984.” Supposedly this all is for our protection, but does anyone feel safer because we’re being watched constantly? That’s the great deception. We aren’t being protected, but rather controlled.

Mind Programming and The Commercial Trance State

The Luciferian agenda is becoming blatant in television and movies, in awards shows and sporting events, and even in advertising. You’ll find that many of these commercials don’t even focus on a product; they seem to be nothing more than tools to indoctrinate subconsciously or subliminally. They are one of the means being used for programming and mind control, so that the evil of the 666 Beast system becomes normal and accepted. Or they are rituals conducted through symbols right out in the open. Most people participate in these rituals by watching them without understanding, because they have no idea what they’re really seeing. Scripture admonishes us to learn about these things because we’re involved in a war – one fought against powerful entities that reside in another dimension but which exert a strong influence on this one.

Are We Really in the Matrix? New Research Backs the Theory We Live in a Hologram

Scientists are close to proving that we actually live in a hologram, a digital simulation. To Christians, it confirms what we’ve believed all along: that this world isn’t reality. It’s merely a testing ground for the real world, the one we’ll live in eternally. It also means that we are particularly susceptible to seeing the world in the ways we’ve been ‘programmed’ to see it, that our reality is a construct of our beliefs. It highlights even more fully the truth the Bible teaches that we are shaped by what we focus our attention on, for good or for evil. We’re seeing a flood of films, television programs, commercials, and music videos which are becoming increasingly dark and satanic. The point of all of this dark entertainment is primarily to condition the population to accept darkness as normal by implanting mental cues and images.

Living Out “Minority Report” or “A Clockwork Orange”: Will It Be The NSA or DARPA That Shapes Our Future?

DARPA, under the auspices of creating a non-violent society through mental health intervention seeks to place us inside “A Clockwork Orange” type of society, where impulses are controlled and thoughts are regulated. Not surprisingly, they use scientific double-speak terminology, repeatedly mentioning “neural plasticity” in conjunction with interventions like drugs, electric shock and nano-invaders. Of course, the real purpose behind all of this government expansion into these areas is control. The other agency racing to shape our future is the NSA, which is collecting a massive amount of data, even on ordinary citizens. According to a high-level whistleblower, their goal is the same as DARPA’s: total control of the population. But the world they’re racing to create looks a lot like that in “Minority Report.” So who will get there first? Which of these agencies will define our world under the Beast System that’s so rapidly approaching?

Binaural Beats: The Machine Music of the 666 Beast System

Festivals like Glastonbury, Green Man, Tomorrowland, and Tomorrowworld all promise that the achievement of utopia is possible. But this time around, they rely on the rhythms and mechanistic sound of the music, together with a heavy dose of clear paganism mixed with New Age symbols and philosophy. That combination is even more unlikely to create an ultimate paradise than the original Woodstock was, but the new promise has a more powerful hold. And the music that seems to put them in a receptive state for that awakening to a new world? It actually is making them open to mind control on a mass scale. Binaural beats are being popularized because they open the door to exactly what the elite are seeking with their Beast system: a population totally under control, docile, and receptive to direction.

Just Created: A Cloaking Device For Time

The first cloaking device, a staple plot feature on programs such as Star Trek, has been created. We’ve grown comfortable with science fiction concepts over the last few decades. We speak of them as easily as we do of objects or events in our everyday world. But we recognize that they’re fiction. Now however, the line is beginning to blur, and that makes techies and trekkies alike stand back in wonder and fascination. We’re on the cusp of a world both familiar and yet novel. It holds the promise of exciting new ways of living but it also has the potential to be used as the basis for the most evil, deceptive system the world ever has seen – a system devised in hell. While some of these advances may be beneficial, we should move toward them cautiously, and embrace them only after considering their possible ramifications in light of where Scripture tells us we’re going and how they may be used.

Interactive Tattoo Instead of a Chip – Will This Ultimately Become the Mark of the Beast?

Step by step we’re progressing toward the mark of the beast. With each small technological improvement, we’re subtly being sold on the increased convenience and improved safety of new upgrades and expanded use, so that we never recognize a giant leap from past to future. It’s all coming about naturally, with improvements so small that they aren’t threatening. But what’s really happening is that we’re being directed to accept something we never would have agreed to in the beginning, before technology became such a fixture of everyday life.