Tagged: surveillance

Big Brother isn’t just watching you – he’s listening, collecting data and monitoring everything about you

As we move closer to the 666 Beast state, surveillance and control have become increasingly heavy-handed. In this post you’ll find numerous articles related to places where you’re being watched – from street corners to inside of rental cars. It truly is becoming the nightmare envisioned in Orwell’s book, “1984.” Supposedly this all is for our protection, but does anyone feel safer because we’re being watched constantly? That’s the great deception. We aren’t being protected, but rather controlled.

Mini GM humans to replace lab animals – coming in 2017?

The replacement of lab animals for testing with miniature, genetically modified humans, created specifically to take the place of the rabbits and other animals in these horrible tests is not good news. It’s macabre, at best. What does that say about the value of life according to researches, both those developing this “innovation” and those eager to begin using the product of it? What happens to the soul of a culture who accepts this without a second thought?

Predictive Technology: A New Tool For The Thought Police

Anything you do that leaves an electronic trail is included in these supercomputer database files. Your doctor or your local police may soon call you to ask why you no longer are going to the gym or why you’ve made suspect purchases that indicate you’re not taking food care of yourself or that indicate you’re a possible mental health risk.

In Technology, the Future is Here Now: Abundance 360 and Exponential Technologies

Every technological advance will be promoted as something beneficial and wonderful. Nothing will appear to hold the potential for any negative fallout; nothing will seem to have the potential for misuse. And this drive toward a dumbed down, numbed out, conditioned population that will blindly accept every new innovation or program will continue at an ever-increasing rate.