Tagged: sorcery

TomorrowWorld: 666 System Paganism on Steroids (Part 2)

TommorowWorld is the USA’s version of TomorrowLand which takes place on an 8,000 acre site in Georgia each September. Billed as festivals of EDM or electronic dance music, the real draw is the license to do whatever strikes anyone – whether that’s drugs or officially sanctioned casual sex in the “Chapel of Love” but what makes the biggest impact is pagan symbolism and rituals, combined with rhythmic metal machine music designed to induce a trance state. What are these festivals all about, really? The spiritual summoning of dark forces through “negative energy.” They are the outgrowth of paganism, of the Luciferian agenda being brought to fruition. They fit perfectly with the mind control of the 666 System, as crowds develop almost a hive mind, acting in unison. Youth are being deceived and pulled into this pagan worship at astounding rates. Pay attention to what is occurring, where your children or grandchildren are going and what they’re buying into, in terms of “entertainment” such as electronic dance music (EDM). This is spiritually deadly. Disguised as love and light, they’re really about crowning Lucifer.

Mind Programming and The Commercial Trance State

The Luciferian agenda is becoming blatant in television and movies, in awards shows and sporting events, and even in advertising. You’ll find that many of these commercials don’t even focus on a product; they seem to be nothing more than tools to indoctrinate subconsciously or subliminally. They are one of the means being used for programming and mind control, so that the evil of the 666 Beast system becomes normal and accepted. Or they are rituals conducted through symbols right out in the open. Most people participate in these rituals by watching them without understanding, because they have no idea what they’re really seeing. Scripture admonishes us to learn about these things because we’re involved in a war – one fought against powerful entities that reside in another dimension but which exert a strong influence on this one.