Tagged: brain decoder

Invasion of the Brain Spyders

Some astonishing work is being done on the mind – retrieving memories, implanting thoughts, reading thoughts and controlling others with our thoughts. Sound like fiction? It’s not. Using brain decoders, implanted chips and other devices, scientists are learning so much about how the mind works that they’re finding ways to utilize that knowledge for other ends. As usual, while they tout all of the wonderful things that such research can accomplish and how it can change the lives of the injured, it also can be used in far darker ways – and it will.

The Avengers: Merger of Transhumanist and 666 Surveillance System Agendas

America is at the cusp of the biggest crisis it ever has known, but it appears that the Church has exchanged it’s birthright for a mess of pottage. Instead of repenting and crying out in prayer for revival, the churches are loathe even to mention sin; political correctness has trumped holiness. The 666 Surveillance System is right at the door and starting to come through, transhumanism and singularity are starting to merge into that system and with “The Avengers” that merger isn’t just beginning, it’s proceeding on steroids.

Interactive Tattoo Instead of a Chip – Will This Ultimately Become the Mark of the Beast?

Step by step we’re progressing toward the mark of the beast. With each small technological improvement, we’re subtly being sold on the increased convenience and improved safety of new upgrades and expanded use, so that we never recognize a giant leap from past to future. It’s all coming about naturally, with improvements so small that they aren’t threatening. But what’s really happening is that we’re being directed to accept something we never would have agreed to in the beginning, before technology became such a fixture of everyday life.