2 Search results

For the term "erasing david".

Total Surveillance: The 666 System is Closing In On Us

Surveillance has been ubiquitous enough in recent years, but now it’s moving onto a whole new level, with billboards, appliances, public transportation and even kids’ toys watching and recording our every word and move. We are becoming enmeshed in a real net, a 666 net of surveillance. It is indeed the perfect man/mousetrap. Every person ultimately will have each move and every word they utter recorded and tracked. In reality, there will be no surviving apart from the Beast system because dissenters will be virtually unable to hide or survive.

The Perfect Man/Mousetrap Is Set

There’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. We’re being watched and tracked virtually everywhere, and our most private conversations inside our homes are being recorded and monitored. Sound fantastic? It’s not. For instance, Google Chrome has a feature which turns on your computer’s microphone and records everything going on around you, even when you think you’ve turned it off. And your children are unwitting spies as well as victims if they play with Barbie, since she has a wireless connection with a hidden mike so that whatever the child says is transmitted, recorded and analyzed.